love cheese? Why don’t you make it at home with this super easy recipe?

Paneer is not only tasty but also a good source of protein. Paneer is a favorite of many people and many main dishes are also made from it. And while you usually buy it from the market, let us tell you that preparing pure and healthy paneer at home is not difficult at all.

So today we have brought you an easy recipe to make soft and delicious paneer at home.

how to make paneer at home

Take about one liter of milk with full cream and boil it on medium flame.

Keep stirring the milk till it boils completely. Now add some salt to the milk and boil it for some time.

Now put some lemon juice in the milk and stir it with a ladle.

The milk will turn sour in about 5 minutes. Switch off the gas flame.

After this take a small bowl and pour half a liter of water in it.

Take another big bowl and cover it with a muslin cloth. Now put sour milk or cracked milk in this cloth and filter it.

Now clean the bundle of cheese by dipping it in a bowl of clean water so that the sourness of the lemon goes away.

Take out the bundle of paneer on the kitchen slab and place a heavy object on it so that the water present in it drains out.

Your delicious and soft paneer is ready. Now you can make anything out of it in just half an hour. This homemade paneer can also be kept in the fridge for future use.

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