London Diary: Is Britain Over-optimistic About the New Omicron Subvariant?

taking it easy: The major difficulty with the spread of Omicron’s new subvariant, BA2 scientists call it for some reason, is that everyone is simply bored of hearing of COVID-19. The end of all restrictions in the UK, based on the recognition that this version looks no worse than its lighter predecessor BA1, means people have little reason to worry and are now largely unaffected, they know. don’t want

The statistic is because the variant is rising among the 55-plus, as determined by an Imperial College study, in what is being seen as a new name for another type of flu, of someone infected with Just a few wishes for you. There is a reason for such optimism that derives from scientific history, not just current weariness. Widespread viruses, such as the Spanish flu from a century ago, weakened and disappeared over time. So it should be, according to the previous trajectory.

For the time being, caution is needed against uncontrolled optimism as this is a unique virus. The higher the spread, the higher the likelihood of more variations, with no certainty that the next one will inevitably be lighter. It may still be clear that the UK may soon say goodbye to all restrictions.

Perception matters: Amidst all the new uproar over Akshata Murthy, wife of Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak and daughter of Infosys founder Narayana Murthy, is that she remains an Indian citizen. News reports suggest that it benefits because it is therefore considered a non-resident for the purpose of taxing earnings in the UK, but is therefore not obligated to pay tax on dividends from Indian business. He holds 0.93 per cent stake in Infosys.

Her spokesperson clarified the matter: “Akshata Murthy is a citizen of India, her country of birth and her parents’ home. India does not allow its citizens to simultaneously hold the citizenship of another country. She has always been paying UK taxes on all her UK income.” Rishi Sunak has declared that position on his record as required.

Everything seems reasonable, but the difficulty with it is perception. One, that the Chancellor is not merely of Indian origin, but marries a person who remains an Indian citizen. Two, and possibly worse – as popular belief goes – he, and consequently he, is far richer than before. The British mostly develop an intermittent dislike for a foreigner as someone who lives partly overseas but sits in Britain and makes a lot of money. This has been the starting point for new press reports, and we have yet to see the last of them.

‘Animal instincts’: Meghan Markle, who may still be called the Duchess of Sussex, has ended her formal relationship with animal welfare in the UK. Given the passionate British love for animals – and it is a British quality the world would do well to emulate – this departure marks a serious disconnection. The association has come to an end after a three-year stint as the patron of animal welfare group Mayu. The Duchess wrote on the website: “While my time as Mayhew’s mentor has come to an end, I have no unwavering support.” He should get a lot of support from him.

The proverbial British love for animals stopped just short of another controversy surrounding Prime Minister Boris Johnson, one of those controversies surrounding him. He was accused of attempting to rescue many animals from Afghanistan, at a time when the British government was not doing enough to drive out of the country those who worked for the British and whose lives were in danger. Johnson vehemently denied. No one suggested that the welfare of animals should be given priority over the welfare of Afghans. But as Johnson at least wanted to save the animals, perhaps the charges against him at least stuck.

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