lok adalat: Mega Lok Adalat On March 12 | Mysuru News – Times of India

Mysuru: District Legal Services Authority (DLSA) will hold a mega Lok Adalat, an alternate dispute redressal mechanism, on March 12 in Mysuru to dispose of cases pending in courts and at the pre-litigation state through amicable settlement.
Litigants having cases pending in law courts or at a pre-litigation stage may bring their cases to the Lok Adalat for quick redressal either voluntarily or through advocates. They can approach the legal service authority at both district and taluk levels to refer the case to the Lok Adalat.
Principal district and sessions court judge ML Raghunath, who is also the chairman of DLSA, on Tuesday told reporters that 1,09,553 cases are pending before courts across the district. Of them, 50,256 are civil in nature and 59,297 criminal cases. About 3,770 motor vehicle cases, 2,732 criminal compoundable cases, and 2,258 criminal compoundable offenses have been identified so far for disposal in the Lok Adalat.
