Liz Cheney defends General Milley from ‘disgusting’ onslaught of Republican criticism

Representative Liz Cheney jumped to the defense of Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman General Mark Milley on Wednesday, asking Congress to “stand in disarray” after the January 6 attacks and apologize for the attacks by his Republican allies .

Appeared before Congress on second day to answer questions about withdrawal Afghanistan.

he has become a hater for some Republican Amidst the news he tried to rein in Donald TrumpThe worst impulse at the end of his presidency.

On Wednesday, he was charged with “dereliction of duty” and asked to resign during the Afghanistan trial.

Cheney met and compared his concerns to those of his colleagues who were prepared to ignore the January 6 violence, allotted five minutes.

“General Milley, you found yourself in a constitutionally prescribed role, standing in breach,” said Cheney, who was removed from his party’s leadership position for criticizing Trump and only on the House committee. One in two Republicans was invested in the January 6 violence.

‘And for any member of this committee, for any American to question your allegiance to our nation, your understanding of our Constitution, your loyalty to our Constitution, your chain of civil Recognition and understanding are low.

‘I want to apologize to the members of this committee who have done this, and I want to thank you for standing in the breach when many people, including many in this room, failed to do so. I want to.

General Mark Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

Representative Liz Cheney praises General Mark Milley during a House hearing on Afghanistan, apologizes for the conduct of his Republican colleagues who demanded his resignation

His intervention came during the hearing of the US withdrawal from Afghanistan by the House Armed Services Committee.

Several Republican members used their time to question Milley about the details of Peril, a new book by Washington Post journalists Bob Woodward and Robert Costa.

It describes how Milley made two calls to his Chinese counterpart, in which he said he would give an early warning of any attempt by Trump to attack China.

It accused Trump and his supporters that Milley was guilty of treason. Milley said the calls were part of normal conversations between senior military figures and were made with the full knowledge of the federal government.

Past accounts of Trump’s final days show that Milley feared Trump’s election defeat might lead him to a military coup and that anger represented a national security risk.

In his passionate defense, Cheney turned things around on January 6 for accusing his aides of ‘whitewashing’ the actions of Trump supporters.

“It was an attempt to stop the constitutionally prescribed process of counting electoral votes for the first time in the history of our country that we did not have a peaceful transfer of power,” he said.

‘After that attack, many members of our constitutional system failed to perform their duty. Many of them got punched.

‘Many of them are still trying to obstruct the investigation of that attack, trying to whitewash what happened.’

He spoke after several members of Congress called for Milley’s resignation.

Representative Vicky Hertzler said his calls to China meant he should resign.

“I think it’s against our country to give that information to our number one adversary and tell him,” she said.

Trump loyalist Matt Getz waved a copy of the book as he accused Milley of spending too much time talking to the authors and burning their image.

Matt Getz accused senior Pentagon officials of failing to do their jobs.  'But if we didn't have a president who's so accustomed, you'd all be fired, because you deserve it,' he said.

Matt Getz accused senior Pentagon officials of failing to do their jobs. ‘But if we didn’t have a president who is so accustomed, you would all be fired, because you deserve it,’ he said.

“You said yesterday that you were not going to resign when the senators asked you this question and I am sure you probably will not resign,” he said.

‘You seem so happy to have failed there. But if we don’t have a president who is so accustomed, you all will be fired.’

That line of attack was followed by Rep. Ronnie Jackson, who accused Milley of focusing too much on book interviews and defending the Biden administration’s idea of ​​a ‘wake up’ army.

He said, “Sir, I request you to resign due to neglect in your capacity of duty towards this country, inability to do your job and inability to defend this country.”

Milley saw that he needed no one to defend him from criticism, laughing: ‘I serve at the pleasure of the President, Mr. Jackson.’

A day earlier, Republican Senator Dan Sullivan suggested that Milley be executed in China to give an early warning of the attack.

‘if major’ [People’s Liberation Army] called you and said, ‘Hey, we’re getting ready to invade Taiwan’ and [Chinese President] If Xi Jinping found out about it, he would be shot,’ Sullivan said.
