Live Updates: Russia invades Ukraine – Henry Club

CNN’s International Diplomatic Editor Nick Robertson. (CNN)

I leave Moscow angry and sad.

Wants to go from darkness to light, but the friends left behind get stuck Tunnel vision of a man.

Russian President Vladimir Putin is destroying not only Ukraine, but the two nations, condemning the separation of the Russians he chose not to necessarily.

In the past few months as I was reporting from Moscow, I have met many people who are horrified, shocked and shocked by Putin’s fierce aggression. Some of them believed him when he said that he would not invade Ukraine. Some even knew players from the Kremlin’s inner circle and thought they understood the president’s red lines, but now that trust is broken and they fear they know no bounds.

What makes Putin’s actions even more perplexing is how he directly executed his plot. Distracting diplomacy aside, he even falsely insisted that his large troops were practicing on Ukraine’s borders.

Ordinary Muscovites did not even hesitate because he had committed this betrayal lead the nation to war On a cocktail of carefully repressed complaints.

Putin’s Empire: Putin spent years building a false story with his empire. It was the West’s fault to deny NATO wishes such as withdrawing from 1997 or barring Ukraine from membership, he claimed.

But if Putin believed that Russia’s security was at risk, and the modern Western world stood against him, the truth was that he never kept pace with the changing dynamics of the 21st century.

This year, when I’ve been in Moscow to cover the build-up and outbreak of war in neighboring Ukraine, it became painfully clear to me, as did the Nazis in Germany during the 1930s and 40s and Putin has made laws for his order. , And like many powers before him, the Russian president is building an obedient and complex state apparatus, which he himself has created, in order to enforce them obediently.

In short, their every wish gets fulfilled easily.

Read the full analysis here.