LIVE UPDATES: Ahmaud Arbery’s convicted killers Gregory McMichael, Travis McMichael and William “Roddy” Bryan Jr. will be sentenced – The Henry Club

Ahmaud Arbery’s father, Marcus Arbery, made a victim impact statement ahead of the sentencing of three men convicted of murdering his son.

“You know anything that’s not okay with me at the moment? The one who kills my son is sitting next to his father in this court every day. I’ll never get a chance to sit next to my son. – Dining Table But no, not on holidays and not in marriage,” he said in the courtroom on Friday.

He spoke about the trauma of experiencing the death of his 25-year-old son.

Arbery said, “I pray that no one in this courtroom has to do what we did – bury our child. There are no words for that, because no one knows so much pain.”

“When I close my eyes, I watch his execution over and over again in my mind. I will watch it for the rest of my life,” he said.

Speaking about Travis McMichael, Gregory McMichael and William “Roddy” Bryan Jr., who were convicted, he said:

“Not only did they kill my son in broad daylight, but they killed him while he was doing what he loved more than anything: running. That’s when he felt most alive, most free.” ” And they took it all from him.”

He added that men should spend the rest of their lives behind bars thinking about their actions, “because for the sake of me and my family, we had to live with his death for the rest of our lives. We will never see Ahmed again. So I feel like he should be behind bars for the rest of his life because they didn’t give him a chance.”
