Likud accuses Dan Halutz of incitement after he draws line between Netanyahu, Hitler

Former IDF Chief of Staff Dan Halutz said on Saturday that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is “no longer an Israeli patriot”, likening him to Adolf Hitler, Justice Minister Yariv Levin to “a robot” and National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir. A child was caught”. in a toy store.

Halutz’s comments drew outrage from Netanyahu’s Likud party, which said the former military chief was instigating against the premier and should be investigated.

During an interview at a live event in Rishon LeZion, Halutz referred to a recording from nearly two decades ago of Sara Netanyahu saying that “the country could burn” if it did not honor her husband.

“His wife said that in 1999 and since [the sentiment] Hallutz claimed to have, “only gotten stronger.” When asked how a recording from 20 years earlier was relevant, Hallutz replied: “Hitler also said things in 1920, but became leader only in 1933… I’m not comparing them, but What was said in 1999 is not relevant now? It is very relevant.”

“all of [Netanyahu’s] The behavior proves it is very relevant,” Halutz continued. “Netanyahu’s behavior today proves he is no longer a patriot of Israel.”

Halutz suggested that Levin is a robot with “no idea inside,” and that Likud ministers Yoav Galant, Avi Dichter and Nir Barkat — who are considered among the party’s moderates — need to change course.

Benjamin Netanyahu speaks with other Likud MKs, including Nir Barkat and Avi Dicher, at the Knesset plenum on December 28, 2022. (Olivier Fitoussi/Flash90)

“They are people who fled their values ​​for political opportunism,” Hallutz said of the three ministers. “Every one of them thinks they will be prime minister. They live in an alternate universe that ignores reality.

Halutz, who served as chief of staff from 2005–2007, said that Likud politicians “must be blind not to see the messages”. sent by constables who serve in the security forces – that they will not serve in the reserve under a dictatorship.”

In recent weeks, a growing number Groups of reservists, including pilots, armored corps, submariners, sailors, and other special forces, have threatened not to serve in the IDF Reserve, who have written letters saying they will call for duty if the government’s justice system changes. Will not come Law.

In a rare statement released during Shabbat, the Likud party slammed Halutz for his remarks.

The Likud party said, “Dan Halutz… accuses Prime Minister Netanyahu of a lack of patriotism, a bereaved brother, a fighter and commander of Sayret Matkal, who was wounded in the Sabena operation to rescue the hostages, said the Likud party.

“Dan Halutz continues a dangerous line of confusion and compares Prime Minister Netanyahu to Hitler,” the statement said. “It is an open encouragement to murder. Where has the law enforcement system gone?”

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