Lesser Known Health Benefits of Mango Leaves

We all love to eat mangoes every summer, but you will be surprised to know that mango leaves are edible and highly nutritious too (Image: Shutterstock)

We all love to eat mangoes every summer, but you will be surprised to know that mango leaves are edible and highly nutritious too (Image: Shutterstock)

Rich in Vitamins A, B and C, mango leaves come with many benefits

Mango is one of the most popular fruits around the world. We all love to consume this delicious fruit every summer, but you might be surprised to know that mango leaves are edible and highly nutritious too. These leaves are also used to make tea in many regions. Rich in vitamins A, B and C, mango leaves come with many benefits.

Here are some health benefits:

good for skin

It provides solutions to all the skin issues that people want to address. Mango leaves are full of nutrients and exactly what your skin needs. They help reduce fine lines, signs of aging and dryness of the skin. The antibacterial properties present in the leaves can also treat skin irritations. For quick results, take some mango leaves and burn them. Apply the ashes of the leaves on the burn.

good for your hair

If you have dull hair, damaged hair, or delayed hair growth, mango leaves are exactly what you need. The presence of vitamins A and C in mango leaves can provide you with healthy hair. It can also accelerate your hair growth.

helps with kidney stones

Mango leaf extract reportedly helps break down kidney stones and flush them out of your system through urination.

May help manage sugar level

According to a report by Health Line, mango leaves can be great for managing sugar levels in diabetic patients. It may help manage diabetes because of its effects on blood sugar, however, more research is needed for concrete results.

can help with hiccups

Mango leaves can be beneficial in stopping hiccups. They can also help treat stomach ulcers.

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