Lata Mangeshkar Passes Away: Bharat Has Lost Its Most Precious Ratna, But Not Her Voice

At least three generations of Indians have woken up for the first time in their lives to an India without Lata Mangeshkar, That’s what the legendary singer meant to this country. A voice that resonated across the populace and united everyone like no one ever has. Lata Mangeshkar was more than just a singer for Independent India over the past 75 years. She was her voice.

For some, the voice of a young India; for others, the voice of a developing and growing country; for many, a voice that brought joy; and for everyone, the voice that would never fall silent.

Lata Mangeshkar passed away at 8.12am on Sunday at Breach Candy Hospital in Mumbai, where she was being treated for 28 days after contracting Covid-19. Her passing has ended a golden chapter in India’s history. One that began in September 28, 1929, unfolded over the next nine decades, and kept everyone hooked for more than 70 years, when the Melody Queen sang thousands of songs in over 30 languages.

While awards and honors were meant to come during the illustrious journey, it’s the emotions, which every Indian felt when Lata Mangeshkar sang, that have left a deep impact on innumerable minds and hearts. The most spoken about such incident is when India’s first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru’s eyes welled up after Lata Mangeshkar sang Aye Mere Watan Ke Logo at the National Stadium on January 27, 1963, in the presence of President Dr S Radhakrishnan and the former. The song was a tribute to martyred Indian soldiers after the 1962 war with China.

Lata Mangeshkar was for decades the final word when it came to Indian film music. There were soulful contemporaries and talented upcoming singers, but her name was synonymous with all popular songs. Melody in movies, especially Hindi films, bore just one name – Lata Mangeshkar.

She last song more than a decade ago, but the collective grief on Sunday from all Indians alike, bears out what she meant for this country. The Nightingale of India has unfortunately fallen silent, but her voice will forever be remembered and remain etched in memories of generations to come.

Bharat has lost its most precious Ratna, but if India had a voice, she would have sounded like Lata Mangeshkar.

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