Large drug bust on Egyptian border 300 kg of marijuana, hashish

The military said Israeli troops thwarted an attempt on Wednesday evening to smuggle nearly $2 million worth of drugs into the country from Egypt.

According to the Israel Defense Forces, soldiers wielding surveillance cameras spotted the drug smuggling attempt and sent troops to the scene.

The suspects on the Egyptian side threw the drugs over the fence, apparently for allies on the Israeli side to pick them up later.

According to the IDF, soldiers confiscated more than 300 kilograms (660 pounds) of marijuana and hashish, worth NIS 6 million ($1.8 million). No arrests were made.

Israel says Egyptian smugglers operate by throwing banned substances across the border to Israelis, who then sell drugs to Israel. Smugglers smuggle marijuana mostly from growing houses in the Sinai Peninsula, but sometimes even harder drugs such as heroin are smuggled in.

Although the IDF is tasked with preventing smuggling along the Israel-Egyptian border, the military usually attempts to avoid direct confrontations with Israeli drug smugglers, leaving it to the police.

Many fatal encounter Last year there was an altercation between Israeli soldiers and drug smugglers.

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