‘Kushti’ in Kerala, ‘Dosti’ in Tripura’: PM Modi Attacks Cong-Left Alliance Ahead of Polls

Prime Minister Narendra Modi The Congress on Saturday launched a scathing attack on the Left-Congress alliance in the poll-bound Tripura, saying the state government has “shattered” the dreams of the poor, tribals and youth, forcing them to leave the state.

Addressing a huge crowd at an election rally in Tripura’s Radhakishorpur, he accused the CPI(M) and the Congress of “looting” the state. “CPM’s funded company used to loot your ration,” he said, adding the people of Tripura gave the BJP a mandate to form a ‘double engine government’ by ousting the Left. He said that today people are getting free ration.

Casting doubt on the attack on the opposition, the Prime Minister said the previous government shattered the dreams of the poor, tribals and youth who were forced to leave the state. It had become difficult for the people to even get water and electricity. They did not even get basic facilities. Earlier those who ruled Delhi and Tripura never bothered about these facilities. Those who looted Tripura for years and forced people to live in poverty have now come together.

The two parties fight “kushti” (wrestling) in Kerala and “dosti” (friendship) in the northeastern state. In an apparent reference to Tipra Motha, the Prime Minister said that some other parties were also helping the opposition alliance from behind, but any vote for them would take Tripura several years back. “The old players of misrule have joined hands for ‘chanda’ (donation). Those who fight ‘kushti’ in Kerala have made ‘friendship’ in Tripura.

“Tripura needs to save itself from destruction”, Modi said, adding that the Congress and the Communists never paid attention to development in Tripura. “It is only during the last five years that steps have been taken to transform people’s lives,” he said.

PM Modi said the “double-engine government” has given a new image to Tripura. “Today, the state is providing electricity to neighboring Bangladesh. The day is not far when every household will get 24-hour electricity,” he said.

Referring to HIRA – Highways, Internet, Railways and Airways – which was promised to the people five years ago, the Prime Minister said, “I had promised HIRA, and by justifying the same today, development in Tripura And the richness is unparalleled.”

Speaking about the housing scheme for the poor, PM Modi gave a “promise and commitment” that no one would have to sleep on the footpath. “After forming the government in Delhi, we tried to provide houses to the poor. The previous government here was not interested in that. In the last five years, the BJP has provided houses to more than three lakh people in Tripura under the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana. are given.

“It is also our government which has increased the social allowance from Rs 500 to Rs 2,000,” he added. He said, “For the first time we have prepared a special savings scheme for our sisters. 2 lakh up to Rs.

He also said that the Congress and the CPM, when they ran the government together in Delhi nine years ago, had a budget of Rs 25,000 crore for the development of tribal areas. “Today, this budget allocation has increased to over Rs 1 lakh crore.”

Praising the growing peace and employment opportunities for the youth in Tripura, he said, “The Left and the Congress, which look down on their culture, have neither done anything in the past nor have any prospects in the future.”

Referring to the fight against COVID-19, he said, “In a Left-ruled state, a lot of people were suffering from corona virus More died, but Tripura was safe because the BJP worked to protect people’s lives.”

The Congress and the Left make the poor poorer!” He asserted, ”They have innumerable slogans for the poor but have never understood and addressed their pain.”

Accusing the Left of corruption earlier in Tripura, Modi said only Left activists used to get benefits of government schemes. “Now every citizen is getting the benefits of government schemes. CPM cadres captured even police stations, but now rule of law prevails.”

He further told the people that every vote given to BJP is very important as it is the path of development. “The power of your vote will take Tripura on the path of development,” he said.

The northeastern states of Tripura, Meghalaya and Nagaland are set to go to the assembly elections this month, with Tripura voting on February 16, followed by Meghalaya and Nagaland on February 27.

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