Kubra Sait – Women’s Day special: I got hired because I have a pretty face, I had to wear pretty skirts and heels – Times of India

On the occasion of International Women’s Day, etimes associated with Kubra Saito And she talked about being a woman while working for an organization, sending a message to all the men out there and more. He also revealed what inspired him during the early days of his career. Here are excerpts from the conversation:

Name one woman in your life that you love and why?

I believe it is really difficult. You know, after a while of walking on this earth, it becomes a little difficult to choose someone you idolize. Also, I don’t believe that you need to put a load on one person’s shoulders and tell them that you totally see them, because they are human too. We often forget that idols are humans! But I think the person who inspired me to be fearless to speak up and be seen in public and to own up to their truth, I think Ellen DeGeneres was practical for me! And she has continued, you know, developing her personality, standing by what she believes in and giving back to the world. So I guess the early years were definitely inspired by Ellen Degeneres For me.

Were there any obstacles in your career because you were a woman? how did you overcome it?
I don’t think I have definitely faced any hurdles because I have been a woman or been born in a woman’s body. I honestly can’t fail to admit that because of the privilege I felt, more than the body, my mind was trained to live in this patriarchal world, and nothing would let me down.

So no, but I remember working a job where I was hired only because I was a woman. I was hired because I have a beautiful face. And I had to wear pretty skirts and heels and get my nails done and my hair done. Well, because I’m a woman, and I was on the marketing team of the organization. So I guess, do they have prejudices, because you’re a woman? Yes they! Is this something I’ve experienced to taste failure in some ways? No, i did not do it. I think I have a big enough brain to filter it out in the sense, like, on stuff that doesn’t resonate with me, just enough room to slip near and far. I really don’t pay attention to naysayers. I’ve never done it. And I think it’s really a privilege because I was raised that way.

One thing about the world for women you can change if you…
I will stop bitching women about the dude!! To begin with, a lot happens. And women are constantly making decisions, not just about themselves. Like, I love it when you point out that when you compliment a woman and say, ‘Oh, my god, that’s a great shirt’ and she says, ‘Thanks’ or ‘That’s a great one. lip shed’ and they go like, ‘thank you’ instead of denying it and making excuses, ‘no, not today, I like to wash my hair today’, ‘I just did this’, ‘I just did that’ ‘. I think this is the self-deprecation in women today and women don’t feel that they are good enough for themselves.

I think the world should change this. And it should be the same, given to women who talk to women like that. I think it needs to be turned off completely.


If you had one piece of advice to give to your little one, what would it be?

This too shall pass. I know, I must have heard Tom Hanks Say this and I wish I had learned it earlier. But I honestly think that when I look back, I know that I have failed many times. And I realized that failure doesn’t stay with you. But it is not so and neither does success come! So I guess one thing that I will always remember for myself, and for the time being to come, is that there is no use stressing about things that are not in your control. Best to just go ahead, play the game for what it is, enjoy it while you’re playing it. And then go back home and make sure you get a good night’s rest.


A message to all men on International Women’s Day…
Oh, so I recently met a guy who spoke to me condescendingly and who told me I was being talked to at his boys club. And they were like, ‘Oh my god, do you know how she is in bed or not’. If you want any feedback, I think you really need to go and scour the better pickup lines. Because what you say and do depends on your upbringing. So know, if you want to attract the attention of a woman then earn it with respect. If you want us to respect you, you have to respect us. And that’s not it, I’m in a man’s world. So I need to behave like this. No, this is a human world we all live in. And our species is bigger than that, humanity as a whole. So I guess that’s enough. And if we’re able to do that together, I think we’ll be in a better place.

And on this Women’s Day, I wish all women a very, very happy Women’s Day. But I would also like to remind everyone out there that we don’t need a day to celebrate or acknowledge us. We need to do this step by step, inch by inch day by day. And I think we are all headed in the right direction. So Happy Women’s Day!