Kubbra Sait reveals she was sexually abused as a teenager by family friend: ‘Although uncomfortable, I kept quiet’

Sacred Games actress Kubra Sait recently took the opportunity to collaborate with HarperCollins to write her memoir, titled ‘Open Book: Not Enough A Memoir’. The actress confessed in the book that she was a victim of sexual abuse and, for quite some time, was abused by her ‘uncle’, who was considered an angel by her family. Kubbra also spoke about the abuse she faced at a young age to save her family from being ‘destroyed’.

According to the Times of India report, Kubra writes in the book that many years later she told her mother how she was abused in her house, ‘under her nose’. Kubra also said that his mother recently apologized to him after decades of abuse. For two and a half years she was abused by a family friend whom she calls ‘X’ in her book.

The actress spoke about her traumatic experiences in the book and wrote that she was only 17 when she was caught in her ‘biggest tragedy’. As she details her trauma, Kubbra mentions regular visits with her family to a restaurant in Bangalore, when the owner became close to both her and her brother Danish. Kubbra said that he also helped his mother in her ‘financial crisis’. Kubbra said that soon after her ‘help’, the man started abusing her sexually. He also insisted that she should not call him uncle.

An excerpt from the Open Book: Kubbra Sait’s Not Enough memoir reads, “When Mama sighed at taking back that cash, I sighed too. Just then, one hand slipped into the back seat of the car where I was sitting and shrugged off my dress. X, who was no longer my uncle, smiled while caressing my thigh. I was stunned at that moment… He started visiting our house over and over, and Mama would laugh with him and cook for him. In front of her, he would kiss my cheek and say, ‘Oh my Kubrati, you are my favorite little one’. Even though I was uncomfortable, I kept quiet.”

Kubra elaborated on the incident of his first sexual assault. She wrote that X took her to a hotel, where he stroked her face before kissing her on the lips. She said she was ‘shocked and confused’ but could not utter a word. “It shouldn’t have happened, but it was happening. I should have screamed, but I couldn’t. I should have run to help, but I was shocked. The kiss escalated. They reassured me that’s what I wanted.” , that would make me feel better. He kept repeating this until I felt deaf, and then he unbuttoned his trousers. I wasn’t sure what was really happening, but I remember thinking That I am losing my virginity. It was a big deal, but it was also my shameful secret,” Kubbra wrote.

The Sacred Games actress also wrote that after the incident, X, who was married and had one child – during the years he sexually abused Kubbra, became the father of another child – in their home ‘like a virus’. has developed. If Kubbra opposes him, he will stop taking his mother’s calls, he wrote.

Her mother, Kubbra said, was oblivious to everything that happened between X and her daughter, and when she refused to help the family, she scolds him for fighting with X. Kubbra further wrote that she was being sexually abused, and that no one in the periphery around her ‘couldn’t even tell’.

She also added in her memoirs that she was relieved when she got the opportunity to go to Sharjah away from all this and immediately jumped on the opportunity.

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