Krishnan Nair: Kerala: Eminent oncologist Dr Krishnan Nair passes away in Vellayambalam. Thiruvananthapuram News – Times of India

Thiruvananthapuram: Eminent Oncologist and Padma Shri Recipient Dr. M. Krishnan NarrowsThe founding director of the Regional Cancer Center (RCC), passed away on Thursday at his residence in the capital’s Vellayambalam. He was 81 years old.
Dr Krishnan Nair was born in Koni in 1939 as the eldest son of Professor K Madhavan Nair and V Meenakshikutty Amma. He completed MBBS from Thiruvananthapuram Medical College in 1965. He did his higher studies at Amritsar Medical College for MD and later at Christie Hospital Manchester for FRCR. He was married to K Valsala and the couple had a daughter.
Dr Krishnan Nair served as Professor at Thiruvananthapuram Medical College in the 70s and became the Founder-Director of RCC in 1981. He started with a pediatric wing in RCC and children from poor families were provided with medicines and treatment free of cost.
When RCC set up a community and preventive oncology department in 1985 with the intention of creating awareness about cancer, Dr Krishnan Nair was at the forefront. In the initial stage, he implemented a 10-year action plan for cancer control Kerala.
NS World Health OrganizationIn appreciation and recognition of community cancer control programs in the state, RCC was accorded the status of a WHO Collaborative Center. Dr Krishnan Nair assisted WHO in formulating managerial guidelines for the National Cancer Care Control Program and also led the conduct of the National Cancer Control Program conference in Geneva in 2000. He was also a member of the WHO’s Expert Advisory Panel on Canner.
As vice-president of the regional cancer association, he organized state-wide anti-tobacco programs, which earned him a WHO award in 2000. He was instrumental in starting the first pain clinic in RCC in 1986 and made Morphine available in the state. . He has also helped in the networking of palliative care centers in the state.
An internationally recognized researcher in oncology, Dr Krishnan Nair has over 250 scientific papers in international journals. He has also written more than 30 books.
Governor Arif Mohammad Khan Condoled the passing away of Dr Krishnan Nair. “His service to oncology will be remembered for a long time. Heartfelt condolences. May his soul be saved.” Several others including CM Pinarayi Vijayan and his cabinet colleagues condoled the demise of Dr Krishnan Nair.
Later in the day the body was cremated at Shantikavadam.
