Know The Vitamins We Need For The Proper Functioning Of Our Brain

    Daily intake of certain vitamins can help promote better functioning of our brain and avoid many health problems.

Daily intake of certain vitamins can help promote better functioning of our brain and avoid many health problems.

If we eat the right food regularly, we can avoid swelling in the brain.

Brain is the powerhouse of our body which controls almost every other function. We should pay special attention to our mental health. As the saying goes, you are what you eat, food plays an important role in maintaining a healthy mind. While most of us are blessed with a perfectly functioning brain, brain cells or nerves can become weak or inflamed, adversely affecting its ability.

Nevertheless, if we eat right on a regular basis, we can avoid inflammation in the brain. In this regard, let us discuss some of the vitamins important for the normal functioning of the brain.

Vitamin B1

In a CNBC report, Harvard nutritionist Dr. Uma Naidu has claimed that Vitamin B1 is important for our brain cells and brain metabolism. Our brain is one of the most active parts of the body.

Vitamin B2

The doctor further said that Vitamin B2 or Riboflavin helps in the reaction of enzymes in our brain cells.

Vitamin B3

In addition, Vitamin B3 or Niacin is responsible for releasing about 400 enzymes. This leads to the production of cholesterol and fat in the body, which is then converted into energy. Meanwhile, the antioxidant niacin also inhibits inflammation in the brain.

Vitamin B5

Vitamin B5 is known to form molecular compounds coenzymes. This makes energy from fatty acids in the body. Given that our brain is made of fat, B vitamins serve as an important factor in brain health.

Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 is necessary to protect us from many diseases. Apart from this, it is also helpful in keeping the mind healthy. This results in chemical reactions that support immune function.

You must be wondering how we can ensure the intake of these vitamins. According to Dr. Uma Naidu, we are advised to have one egg daily along with buttermilk, beans, salmon fish, sunflower seeds, green leafy and vegetables.