Know the mechanism of Omicron virus: mutation done by cold virus already present in human body, immune system is deceived

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  • Omicron Coronavirus Outbreak Update; Corona News | Omicron Symptom Update: All About the Omicron Mutant Research with the Common Cold Virus

25 minutes ago

The reason for the new variant of the corona virus, Omicron, deceiving the body’s immune system and antibodies, is well known. A scientific research has revealed that this variant has mutated with the genetic material of another virus, which the human body’s immune system already recognizes. Researchers believe that this mutation is likely to be done with the virus that causes the common cold.

The research, led by Massachusetts-based data analytics firm Neference, shared the findings of the research on OSF Preprints on Thursday.

Omicron-like genetic sequence not found in any of the older variants
Let us inform that in the genome sequencing of Omicron, it was revealed to be formed after 30 mutations in SARS-CoV-2, the original variant of the corona virus. Researchers say that a genetic sequence like Omicron has not been found in delta, alpha, beta or any other variant of the corona virus so far.

However, this sequence is matching with HCOV-229E, a common cold virus present in the human body all the time. On the basis of this, it seems that while the mutants of Omicron in the human body were present in the same infected cell, the virus of cold and cold may also have been present, due to which Omicron got merged.

This quality made the virus more contagious
According to Venky Sundararajan, who is leading this research team on behalf of Nephrens, the human body’s immune system recognizes the cold-cold virus as a normal virus and does not give much reaction against it.

Omicron has made itself “more human” with the virus-like mutation, which will help it ward off attacks from the human immune system, he said. For this reason, this virus can become more rapidly spreading from one person to another. However, this can cause Omicron to become only a mild or asymptomatic disease.

Don’t know yet how dangerous it will prove to be
Researchers could not say whether Omicron would prove to be more infectious than other variants of the corona. He also said that it is still difficult to say whether this variant will prove to be more dangerous than the variants that have come before. We will have to wait a few weeks for the answers to these questions.

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