Know all about Paneer: Nutritional value, health benefits and more

Paneer is a dairy product that is considered a little more special than others in terms of vegetarian diets.

From being prepared with minimal ingredients, oil and spices to being lavishly prepared and making it as spicy and flavorful as possible, paneer can suit any occasion.

Paneer is a dairy product that is considered a little more special than others when it comes to vegetarian diets. It can be easily installed near your home. Paneer, also known as paneer, is a very versatile food item. From being prepared with minimal ingredients, oil and spices to being elaborately prepared and making it as spicy and flavorful as possible, paneer can be suitable for any occasion depending on how it is prepared. But if prepared properly, it can be one of the best sources of protein and can be a great weight loss agent.

Let us talk about the nutritional value of paneer or cottage cheese. 100 grams of cottage cheese contains 14-19 grams of protein and about 260 calories if it is made with full cream milk and 72 calories if it is made with skimmed or low-fat milk. Apart from this, 100 grams of paneer contains about 200 milligrams of calcium. Calcium is important for keeping your bones and teeth healthy. People in their 30s, especially women, face a lot of problems regarding bone density and pain due to calcium deficiency. It is necessary for women to consume enough amount of paneer every other day to keep themselves healthy and free from these pains.

Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) is not a very common term used in homes. But it is a very important ingredient in paneer which helps in reducing the fat deposits in the body and boosts the power of our immune system. Animal meat and dairy products contain a good amount of CLA and hence it is advisable to include it in your diet to keep yourself healthy.

While there are many benefits of paneer, the technique of making it varies from place to place and from person to person. If the food item is consumed as a health-improving agent, paneer can do wonders. But if one decides to use too much oil and spices (like restaurants do to prepare special paneer dishes like Paneer Tikka and Paneer Butter Masala), it can prove to be harmful. Be sure to keep such intricacies in mind while adding paneer to your diet.

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