KITES OUT on Basant Panchami: This time the yellow kites of Jagmohan of Amritsar are dedicated to Bollywood legends; There are 38 records in the name of Kanojia

Majitha (Amritsar)6 minutes ago

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Jagmohan Kanojia of Amritsar, Punjab, who made 38 records by making kites, has prepared hundreds of yellow kites for Basant Panchami. He has dedicated these moths to Bollywood legends this time. Kanojia is the only kite makers in Bulb and Bottle to have won 28 National Awards and 10 International Awards.

Basant Panchami kites this time in the name of Bollywood stars.

Basant Panchami kites this time in the name of Bollywood stars.

Kites on a new theme every year

Kanojia, who lives in Basant Avenue in Amritsar, told on Friday that the festival of Basant Panchami is celebrated all over the country. Kites are flown with great passion on this day. That’s why they make kites every year with a theme. This time the kites are all yellow in color and are dedicated to Bollywood legends.

Kites dedicated to the martyrs of freedom.

Kites dedicated to the martyrs of freedom.

This time the hard work is dedicated to the film star.

He said that actors and actresses have given India a golden era and touched the heights of the sky. That is why all their hard work is being dedicated to them this time. Kanojia told that he has been making kites for 30 years. He has made even the smallest kites and the biggest kites till date.

This record is in the name of Kanojia.

This record is in the name of Kanojia.

Children should also love kites

He said that today’s survivors should be fitted not only with mobile phones but also with kites flying in the sky. That’s why they keep doing something new and do not let the people forget their traditional games.

Will also fly election kites

Kanojia told that till now he has decorated every President, Prime Minister on his kites. He has also made a kite with the picture of leaders like Obama. Now kites are being made for further assembly elections as well.

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