Kitchen Hacks: How to Use and Clean an Induction

Last Update: February 27, 2023, 18:29 IST

Regular cleaning is also necessary to use induction safely.

Regular cleaning is also necessary to use induction safely.

While using induction appliance for the first time, you must follow these 5 important instructions carefully.

Many of us use induction stoves for cooking purposes, and all too often people make some mistakes while using an electronic item for the first time. If you do not follow the instructions, you may damage the equipment. Here are tips and tricks on how to use induction appliances and the right way to clean these items.

Use the right utensils: Unlike gas stoves and cylinders, not all cookware can be used on induction. Many people use old and aluminum utensils while cooking on induction. But it may take more time to cook or it may not support the utensil or heat up and doing so may damage your induction quickly. So it is better to have utensils that are specially made for induction use.

Keep things light: Some people unknowingly put heavy utensils or heavy things on induction for cooking. This causes the induction to deteriorate quickly. That’s why it is advisable to keep only light things while cooking on induction and it will not damage the appliance.

Do not use local induction: Some people buy induction equipment from local company or markets to save money. But local inductors wear out quickly and are complicated to use. So while buying induction choose a good brand product. Also, do not forget to check its warranty.

Clean the Induction: Regular cleaning is also necessary to use induction safely. For this, soak a towel or cloth in water and squeeze it. Now clean the induction base with this cloth.

To remove tough stains or white spots from your cooktop or induction, you can use vinegar or a cleaning solution. For this, first of all, wet a dry cloth by dipping it in a mixture of white vinegar and apply it on the stains. Let the vinegar settle for a few seconds, then scrub the stain and wipe the induction with another clean cloth.

Blower Clean: Along with cleaning induction, it is necessary to keep its blower clean as well. For this, after cooking, clean the induction blower with the help of a dry toothbrush. This will remove dust that has accumulated in the blower and give your induction a longer life.

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