Kitchen hacks: Here’s how you should take care of your precious crockery to keep it safe for longer

People display their beautiful crockery at home with great fervor, sometimes even buying expensive crockery. People often use new crockery when guests come home.

Despite the promises of durability, you need to handle it with care. Today we give you some tips on how to maintain the beautiful look of your expensive crockery and prevent it from breaking.

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This will keep your crockery safe for a long time. You just have to keep these things in mind:

Keep in mind according to weight: Always keep the weight in mind whenever you are placing the crockery on the shelf. Always keep the heavy and big plate at the bottom and keep the lighter utensils on top of it. Do not keep too many dishes at once. This can damage the plate and crockery. Keep only 6-8 utensils at one place.

– Don’t let these stick together: Some women randomly stack the crockery due to lack of space. The paint may stick to the crockery pieces and cause the crockery to break. Place a piece of soft paper in between two pieces of crockery if you are stacking them closely.

– Keep the water temperature in mind while washing crockery: Always check the water temperature when washing crockery. For this the water should not be too hot or cold. This can lead to cracks in the crockery. Always use normal water or lukewarm water only.

– Do not wrap it in newspaper: You must have seen dinner sets wrapped in newspapers in most of the homes. This is done to prevent the crockery from breaking. But do you know that newspaper ink gets on the crockery and the shine fades. So avoid using them as a cover.

– Line up the sync: You can put rubber or soft towel sink lines so that the crockery doesn’t break even if you slip or fall. Many times the utensils get out of hand while keeping or washing the dishes. In such a situation, the crockery breaks immediately.

– Clean carefully: You have to be very careful while washing crockery. After washing, put them upside down on a clean and soft cloth. When the water dries up, wipe it off carefully with a clean cloth, as crockery tends to break when you slide it out of your hand.


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