King Charles III Coronation LIVE: UK Ready for First Crowning Ceremony in 70 Years

British heritage and the long history of the monarchy. The coronation ceremony is ‘toned down’ compared to previous coronation ceremonies and marks a departure from tradition as female bishops, minority faith leaders, and a more diverse and representative guest list of British society lords and ladies grace the occasion. Will increase The royal family wants the coronation to reflect changing times and become a more inclusive and modern monarchy. The ceremony will also have an environmental theme that reflects Charles’ lifelong championing of sustainability and biodiversity. This includes the use of vegan anointing oil and recycled ceremonial clothing, sending a powerful message to the world about the importance of protecting the planet. Charles has also pledged to focus on issues such as the environment, social justice and education. However, there are some critics who are questioning the whole event as Britain is battling with the cost of living crisis and inflation. Many Britons are unwilling to afford a grand ceremony and feel that such events have no place in modern society. There are also several Commonwealth nations, including Australia, where the coronation ceremony has given rise to debates of republicanism and the need to distance themselves from the Crown and declare themselves republics.

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