Kicking Off Score for Soil Campaign, Sadhguru Tells News18 Who He is Rooting For This FIFA World Cup

Taking advantage of the ongoing football fever, Sadhguru, founder of Isha Foundation, has named his global campaign for soil conservation ‘Score for Soil’. But are there spiritual leaders after FIFA World Cup and does he have a favorite?

When asked which country he was supporting for this World Cup, he said, “I support football.”

Sadhguru Launched the ‘Score for Soil’ campaign in Bengaluru on 5 December, World Soil Day, and encouraged people to post a video with the hashtag #ScoreForSoil of what they think was the best football shot that was part of the Save Soil project Support will also help. Sadhguru has received massive support for the cause, especially after he traveled 27 countries on a motorcycle earlier this year, covering a distance of 30,000 kilometers in just 100 days.

In an exclusive interview with News18, Sadhguru spoke candidly about the game.

“Some countries have shown a certain potential. Everyone is looking at Brazil to come up with their own samba at the right time. France, the defending champions, is playing very well. They have their own superstars who can make a difference. Expectations are on the Argentine as well as Lionel Messi. Of course Cristiano Ronaldo is in the throes right now and he can explode anytime,” he told News18.

But Sadhguru also has a personal favorite – Spain. He observed that despite not having a superstar in the team, the country has played brilliantly so far.

He said, ‘I do not see the game according to the score, but according to the quality of the game. Spain has shown a great game. On any given day, anyone can win and we never know which country’s chances will be in our favor.”

The spiritual guru asked people not to get carried away with predicting the World Cup winner, but to sit back, enjoy the game and experience the quality of the game.

Sadhguru urged football fans not to ignore the urgent problem of soil erosion. “This football season, I want you to understand, every five seconds, we are losing a football field of soil. The desert is becoming. In the last 25 years, we have desertified 10% of the planet lost because of,” he warned.

“So let’s continue the (save soil) movement and have a ‘ball’ too!” he said as he tossed a green football in the air.

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