Kibbutz Nirim denies gov’t permission to film Miri Regev-led Oct. 7 anniversary ceremony at kibbutz

Kibbutz Nirim has informed the state that they are not ready for the Miri Regev-led ceremony to mark the anniversary of October 7 to be filmed at their kibbutz, N12 reported Monday evening.

On Sunday, production teams visited the kibbutz to see if filming there was a possibility, however they were asked to leave by kibbutz representatives. 

“Instead of engaging in filming for a state memorial ceremony, we call on the government to establish a state commission of inquiry,” the kibbutz said. “In a whole year, not a single government representative came to Nirim to take responsibility, acknowledge the failure, or ask what is needed. The lives of Kibbutz Nirim members and all the residents of the western Negev are not a movie, and the Israeli government is not a production company.”