Kerala to Grant Menstrual Leave for Students of All State Universities: The Wider Debate EXPLAINED

The Kerala government on Monday announced that it will provide menstrual leave to girl students studying in all state universities under the Higher Education Department.

higher Education Minister R Bindu said the government, taking cues from Cochin Science University and Science University, has decided to implement menstrual leave in all state universities under the purview of the department. technology (CUSAT),

“taking into account mental and physical difficulties Experienced by girl students during menstruation, necessary steps will be taken to implement menstrual leave in all universities,” she wrote on Facebook.

He praised the recent decision of Cochin University, saying that it is the first time in Kerala that an educational institution has given menstrual leave to students.

What is the QSAT model?

CUSAT took the decision in response to a request by the SFI-led student union of the university. In view of the long-standing demand of the students, the university gave an additional approval 2% relaxation for shortfall in attendance of female students in each semester as on 11th January,

CUSAT, an autonomous university, has over 8,000 students in various fields, of whom more than half are women.

“After considering the requests for menstruating benefits to female students, the Vice-Chancellor has ordered to sanction an additional 2% of reduction in attendance of female students in each semester, subject to reporting to the Academic Council,” one of the As per the recent order issued by the Joint Registrar of CUSAT.

The order will apply to all girl students of the university, including those pursuing PhD, and is expected to come into force with immediate effect.

Various student unions had submitted resolutions demanding menstruation benefits for girl students. However, their demand was to grant a certain number of days of leave in the form of ‘menstrual leave’ every semester.A report in The Times of India said that the officials cited ‘practical difficulties’ and instead suggested a provision to waive the shortfall of girl students, which the unions accepted.

What is menstrual leave?

Menstrual leave is a type of leave in which a person has the option of taking paid or unpaid leave/to account for attendance from their job/educational institution if they are unable to work due to menstruation.

had a period holiday First implemented decades ago in countries like Russia and China With the goal of “protecting” fertility status, Healthline reports.

If thoughtfully implemented, menstrual leave has the potential to improve the health and well-being of those who menstruate, especially those suffering from menstrual cycle-related illnesses.

There is now a growing movement to universalize and normalize the effects of menstruation on a person, such as dysmenorrhea.

What is dysmenorrhea?

dysmenorrhea is the medical term menstrual cramps or pain during one’s term. Dymenorrhea is classified into two types: primary and secondary.

primary dysmenorrhea Refers to menstrual cramps that occur repeatedly (repeatedly) and are not caused by other diseases. The pain usually starts a day or two before menstruation or when bleeding starts. According to a report by the Cleveland Clinic, one may experience mild to severe pain in the lower abdomen, back or thighs.

Menstrual pain affects many women (Image: Shutterstock)

The pain can last anywhere from 12 to 72 hours, and one may also experience nausea and vomiting, fatigue, and even diarrhea. Normal menstrual cramps may become less painful as a person ages.

secondary dysmenorrhea Occurs when you have painful periods as a result of a disorder or infection in your female reproductive organs. Secondary dysmenorrhea pain usually begins earlier in the menstrual cycle and lasts longer than regular menstrual cramps. You rarely experience nausea, vomiting, tiredness, or diarrhea.

What is the debate around menstrual leave?

There is concern that the period leave policy may perpetuating the myth that women are incompetent and irrational when they menstruateIn Japan during the 1980s, people who took period leave faced discrimination and harassment from their employers, Healthline reports, which can negatively impact their career advancement, salary levels and workplace relationships. had to face

Furthermore, according to a 2019 study, nearly half of the participants believed that the period leave policy in the United States would only have negative consequences such as discriminationSome respondents to the same study said that menstruation is not debilitating for everyone.

“If menstrual leave is thoughtfully implemented, it has the potential to improve menstrual health and well-being, especially with menstrual-related illnesses,” Jessica Barnack-Tavlaris, PhD, psychology Associate Professor at The College of New Jersey told Health Center,

And another supporter is generally discussed that such a holiday will be held destroying the concept for manyEspecially in India, where periods and menstruation remain a taboo.

A menstrual holiday could, in theory, help normalize conversations about periods. “I’d like to see menstruation stigma become more mainstream,” Barnack-Tavlaris told Health Central.

According to a 2019 survey of American teens commissioned by period-proof underwear company Thinks and the advocacy group Period, 64% believe society teaches people to be ashamed of their periods, and 66% support menstruation. Do not want to go to school during The report states that the menstrual holiday can serve as a good reminder to everyone that menstruation is nothing to be ashamed of.

India’s Menstruation Bill, 2017

To provide favorable working conditions to menstruating persons in India, was introduced by Ninong Ering, Member of Parliament, Arunachal Pradesh, a report in LiveLaw said. menstruation benefits bill In 2017.

He introduced a private member’s bill which sparked a debate India Regarding menstrual leave. However, the bill has yet to pass, and India currently lacks a menstrual leave policy. The report claims that no policy related to menstrual leave has been discussed in Parliament since the Menstrual Benefits Bill was introduced.

Some of the Menstrual Benefits Bill included Progressive remedies to stigmatize menstruation And provide safe and healthy working conditions to the women employees. It sought to level the playing field for all women by recognizing their physical needs.

The main highlights of the scheme include providing 4 days menstrual leave to women. The bill applies to all women in the private and public sectors, including girl students in class nine and above. The first and second days of the menstrual cycle create a number of discomforts for women, which has a significant impact on the productivity of female employees. Women who opt out of this benefit will be entitled to overtime pay at the rate in effect at that time.

In addition, the Bill also includes provisions to facilitate rest at workplace during menstruation. Section 8 of the Bill clearly states that every woman has the right to self-perception about her menstrual cycle in order to benefit from the provisions of the Bill. This provision leaves the door open for women to misuse menstrual leave. In addition, the Bill provides for penalties for employers who deny benefits to women under the Bill. It also includes provisions for setting up grievance redressal committees to help women who are finding it difficult to get menstrual leave, the report said.

With inputs from PTI

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