Kerala government eases COVID restrictions for three days in view of Bakrid – check what is allowed

Due to Eid-ul-Adha (Bakrid) falling on July 21, the Kerala government has decided to ease some of the COVID-19 restrictions from July 18-20. It is important to note that the government has opted to maintain a complete weekend lockdown and the 3 day period is the only exception for Bakrid.

As per the new rules, all textile, footwear, electrical and jewelery stores in the state will remain open till 8 pm, with shops in areas under triple lockdown allowed to reopen on Monday. During the festival, a maximum of 40 people will be allowed in places of worship, according to Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan, who also said that at least one dose of vaccination is required.

This applies to Local Self Governing (LSG) bodies in categories A, B and C, as per the government notification. The average test positivity rate (TPR) for the last seven days has been used to reclassify LSG bodies. LSGs with a TPR of less than 6 percent are classified as ‘A’, while LSGs with a TPR of 6-12 percent are classified as ‘B’. LSGs with a TPR of 12-18 per cent would be classified as ‘C’, while LSGs with a TPR of more than 18 per cent would be classified as ‘D’.

The move has been criticized by the BJP which is criticizing the Kerala government for the decision. According to Union Minister and BJP leader V Muraleedharan, the Pinarayi Vijayan government is not adopting any scientific strategy to limit COVID-19 and enforce the lockdown.

“Now Bakrid has arrived, the government has announced a three-day exception for the lockdown… I suggest follow the scientific approach and follow the guidelines of the Government of India, ICMR guidelines and WHO. Do not use the pandemic as a means to take political advantage,” Muraleedharan told ANI.

On Friday (July 16), Kerala reported at least 13,750 new cases of infection and 130 deaths, taking the total number of infections to 31,30,833 and the death toll to 15,155 with a positive rate of 10.55 per cent in the last 24 hours. Gone.


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