Kentucky snowman arrives in Tampa, Florida to surprise students – The Henry Club – India Times English News – Henry Club

Danville, Q. (Lex 18) – Snow is something they don’t quite see in Florida, but lucky for some kids in sunny conditions, there was enough in Kentucky to share.

What started out as a lesson about the weather and snow, turned into a practical project overnight. A former Kentucky school teacher who now teaches in Florida found that only two of her students had ever seen snow. This gave him an idea, and he called his sister in Kentucky.

“So I said I want you to make me a snowman, and I want you to watch him with me all night and see if he can make it to school – because I want these kids in Florida to see snow,” says special education teacher Robin Hughes.

At first, her sister Amber Estes, a Danville resident, wasn’t so sure.

“So I told him, we don’t have a measurable amount of snow, I was making up every excuse in the world, and I accepted the challenge because I knew I’d never have to live for it,” Estes says. ,

After major snow fell in early January, Amber Estes thought the idea might be feasible. She went to his yard and created Lucky – a Kentucky snowman who got his name in the hope that he would reach Florida safely.

“So we put that inside the packaging, we wrapped that in that foil, and we put ice packs on, we sealed it, there was Styrofoam around the box. He went to the local Up store,” says Estes. ,

Hughes shared, “Then we went to class and the kids opened it up and just pure joy to see that snowman… it was just… To me, that’s what teaching is about.”

Lucky is still a big hit in the classroom and school. Robin Hughes says she will continue to be creative in the classroom because she believes that students learn to think outside the box.

“As a teacher I do everything I can to bring joy to the classroom and teach them something that makes it worth it. And my sister was my biggest partner in crime, helping me do that.” To do, he was perfect,” Hughes says.

This Earth Day, Lucky will make another change. After she thaws the water will go to a new plant to keep her memory alive and to teach students how everything comes full circle.