Keep bows, arrows at home to deal with ‘jihadis’: Sakshi Maharaj – Henry Club

Contraversial Bharatiya Janata Party MP Sakshi Maharaj on Sunday asked Hindus to keep bows and arrows at their home, saying police will not come to their rescue when a crowd arrives to carry out “jihad”.

He also posted a picture of a crowd wearing skull caps and holding sticks on his Facebook page with the comment.

“If this crowd suddenly comes to your street or house, then do you have any way to save yourself? If not then make some arrangement. Police will not come to your rescue, they will hide somewhere to save themselves,” he said in his Facebook post.

“Police will come only when these people return after carrying out jihad. The matter will go to an inquiry committee and it will end there after sometime. For such guests, keep a couple of boxes of cold drink and some original bows and arrows in every house. Jai Shri Ram,” he added.

When asked about the post, Sakshi Maharaj said he completely agrees with its content.

The BJP MP did not give any direct reply as to why the post was needed but said, “Are Hindus only to take a beating?”

The Unnao MP is known for making controversial statements.

In a 2015 public gathering in Meerut, he had urged Hindu women to produce at least four children to protect Hinduism in the country.

The same year he said madrasas are creating terrorists and encourage their students to carry out “love Jihad”, a derogatory term used by right-wing activists to refer to the alleged campaign of Muslims forcing Hindu girls to convert in the guise of love.

In 2017, Sakshi Maharaj raised eyebrows by saying that the population of the country is rising because of those who talk of four wives and 40 children, apparently targeting the Muslims.
