Kasturba Gandhi Birth Anniversary: Baa’s Role in India’s Freedom Movement and Influence on Mahatma Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi and Kasturba were engaged when he was just seven and married when he was thirteen.  (Image: shutterstock)

Mahatma Gandhi and Kasturba were engaged when he was just seven and married when he was thirteen. (Image: shutterstock)

Kasturba played an important role in Mahatma Gandhi’s life, providing him with love, support and guidance throughout his life

Kasturba Gandhi Jayanti: Kasturba Gandhi, also known as Baa, was the wife of Mahatma Gandhi, and played an important role in India’s independence movement and was a source of strength and inspiration to Mahatma Gandhi throughout his life.

Kasturba’s father, Gokuldas Kapadia, was a renowned grain, cloth and cotton merchant who was close to Mahatma Gandhi’s father Karamchand, who was then the Diwan of Porbandar. Mahatma Gandhi and Kasturba were engaged when he was just seven and married when he was thirteen. He traveled to South Africa in 1897 with Mahatma Gandhi as he went there to study law. He helped Gandhi in his work and followed him everywhere.

Here are some lesser known facts about him, his role in the freedom movement and his influence on Mahatma Gandhi:

  1. Kasturba Gandhi was born on April 11, 1869 in Porbandar, Gujarat and died on February 22, 1944.
  2. Kasturba was married to Mahatma Gandhi
  3. She played an important role in Mahatma Gandhi’s life, providing him with love, support and guidance throughout his life.
  4. She actively participated in the freedom struggle along with her husband. He participated in various protests including the Salt Satyagraha and the Quit India Movement.
  5. Kasturba was arrested several times for participating in the protests and was imprisoned along with other freedom fighters.
  6. She was a committed social worker and helped set up ashrams for untouchables and worked for the betterment of women’s lives.
  7. Kasturba suffered from chronic bronchitis and eventually died in prison while serving a sentence for participating in the Quit India Movement.
  8. Ba had a profound influence on the thinking and actions of Mahatma Gandhi, and he often turned to him for guidance and advice.
  9. Kasturba inspired Mahatma Gandhi’s famous quote, “Be the change you wish to see in the world.”
  10. After her death, Mahatma Gandhi was devastated and went through a period of deep grief. He often talked about how much he missed her and how much he valued her life and her contribution to the freedom movement.

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