Karnataka: Social worker paints compound wall with social messages for silver wedding. Mangaluru News – Times of India

The wall of the house’s compound was painted with various social messages, including messages of protection from COVID. (TOI photo)

MANGALURU: A social worker from Panja village of Sulia has celebrated a special occasion with a social message.
49-year-old Jinnappa Gowda celebrated her silver wedding by spreading a social message through art. He painted the compound wall of his house with various social messages, including messages of protection from Covid.
Gowda said, “On the occasion of our 25th wedding anniversary, I wanted to do something special that would inspire the society. So I painted the wall of the compound of my house in two themes with the help of film set designer Suresh. The part was on vaccination campaign with the importance of washing hands and wearing masks. The other part has paintings on importance of cleanliness, water conservation, environmental protection and adult education.
Gowda and his wife Leelavati, who run a small shop, celebrated their wedding anniversary on June 24.
“We wanted a minister to unveil the murals. As this could not happen, we did it ourselves by performing puja on Monday,” he said.
Gowda is now harvesting rainwater at his home. Rain water from the roof is channeled into an open well. His son Jagdish works as an engineer in a private company.



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