Karnataka: Locals point out causes for artificial flooding, want Mangaluru City Corporation to act | Mangaluru News – Times of India

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A gap of about 50 feet length, right opposite Kodialguthu 6th cross and next to the wet well no 3B located there, has been left without any retaining wall.

MANGALURU: There are many areas in the city, especially low-lying ones, that are prone to artificial flooding when it rains.
While some areas get inundated during normal rain, due to choked stormwater drains and high tide, the Kodialguthu area of the city got badly inundated this year, due to some works that were allegedly executed unscientifically by the Mangaluru City Corporation (MCC).
On June 30 this year, there was heavy flooding at Kodialguthu Road, 6th and 5th Cross, with water entering several houses, and causing considerable damage. Residents pointed out that technical failure in the execution of some development works carried out by the MCC, caused Kodialguthu Road to get flooded, and asserted that it would repeat, when it rains again, causing havoc and damage.
A marine engineer, Prakash Alva K T, residing on the 5th Cross, points out that there is a stream running parallel to the Kodialguthu Road. Last season, MCC authorities built a retaining wall along the stream. Probably due to lack of supervision, or due to technological failure, he said that a gap of about 50ft length, right opposite 6th Cross and next to the wet well no 3B located there, has been left without any retaining wall.
He said that downstream from this point, about 100ft away, there is a bridge where the guard rail is almost a solid wall, with only some gaps. “When the flooding occurred this time, the overflowing water had nowhere to go, but to gush through the above referred gap, across the 6th crossroad on to Kodialguthu Road with great force, entering houses and compounds, and causing rampant damage,” he said.
He said that it is imperative that this gap in the retaining wall is closed immediately, and also that an escape route is provided for the floodwater, maybe by making a provision for it to run over the bridge, by providing wider gaps to the guard rail. “This will help to avoid a repeat of flooding. The concerned authorities are requested to investigate the matter, and attend to the same urgently,’’ he appealed.
MCC executive engineer Naresh Shenoy said that he will personally go to the spot and talk to residents and resolve the issue, in case it has been caused by construction not suitable for the free flow of rainwater.


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