Karnataka: Dwarf athlete fights for his living. Hubli News – Times of India

Hubli: He has made both Dharwad and India proud, winning medals in international events but Devappa More, an athlete who represented the country at the Dwarf World Games in 2019, is struggling to make ends meet following the outbreak of COVID-19.
Devappa, a two-and-a-half-foot dwarf, a resident of Kadanakoppa village in Kalaghagi taluk of Dharwad, said he had no money to cultivate any crops in his four-acre farm.

In 2019 at the 2019 Dwarf World Games, devappa He competed in various team and individual events, leading to India’s medal race each time he stepped out to compete.

Apart from the Dwarf World Games, Devappa has participated in various international events, traveling around the world, earning fame for himself and India in countries such as the United States of America, the United Arab Emirates. Among others, he has participated in the 100m, 200m running events and long jump.

Unfortunately for Devappa, his achievements on the racing track have made little materialistic gains, and prosperity is a distant dream.

This international athlete being unable to buy a smartphone for her daughter to attend online classes during the lockdown is perhaps the most obvious example of her plight.
“During the first wave of Covid-19, I managed to sow my crop despite many difficulties but was unable to harvest any due to heavy rains, which washed away my crop. I decided to sow maize this year despite my problems and I hope it will help me tide over this crisis.

remembering a journey he made Hubli Soon after the online class started for her daughter, a class we Devappa, a student, said, “We went to Hubli to buy a smartphone or tablet, but we could not find anything less than Rs 10,000, and had to return home empty handed. He had to rely on Doordarshan classes for his lessons. But I contacted my coach to whom I explained my problems and he donated his son’s smartphone to my daughter.
Official Coach and Manager of the Dwarfs Athletic Team and Coach Shivanand Gunjal Devappa was an exceptionally talented athlete who won the hearts of hundreds of spectators apart from his medals at the World Dwarf Games in Canada.


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