Kangna said – I will campaign for nationalists in 2022: visited Banke Bihari, said – only those who have a thief in their heart have trouble with my statements

Mathura12 hours ago

Padma Shri awardee actress Kangana Ranaut reached the Banke Bihari temple in Mathura on Saturday. Answering questions from the media after the darshan, Kangana said that in the 2022 elections, she will campaign for the nationalists. Kangana said that her statement hurts those people who have a thief in their heart. Those who are true, those who are brave, are patriots, they find their words right.

On the question of apologizing for being stopped by farmers in Punjab, he said that he never apologized – ‘Why should I apologize? I myself have studied in Chandigarh. There is love among the people of Himachal, Punjab. Don’t spread such things. There is nothing to say about a handful of anti-social elements. What happened if some people stopped the car? There were some people among them who were saying that why are you troubling this girl. There are good people who dominate the bad guys.

Coming out of the Banke Bihari temple, Kangana also got the child vaccinated against Radhe-Radhe.

Coming out of the Banke Bihari temple, Kangana also got the child vaccinated against Radhe-Radhe.

Kangana reached Vrindavan for the first time
Kangna, who reached Vrindavan for the first time, was seen here completely colored in the color of devotion. Putting Radhaji’s tilak on her face and speaking Radhe-Radhe through her mouth, Kangana reached the Banke Bihari temple. Here Sevayat Goswami Ashish made him see Banke Bihari. During this, Kangana worshiped by lighting a lamp. She stayed for 10 minutes at the Banke Bihari temple.

happy to have butter prasad
After the darshan, when the temple servant gave her the prasad of butter and sugar candy, she became happy. Expressed his happiness by speaking Radhe-Radhe. Kangana left the temple and went straight to her car. The craze of taking selfies was seen among the devotees who came to visit with Kangana, who reached after walking about 200 meters. Kangana told that she has come to Vrindavan for the first time. Here the offering of butter and sugar candy is very good.

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