Kangana Ranaut Latest to share your opinion Alia BhattThe latest advertisement of which features the actress as a bride. In the video, Alia questions the concept of ‘Kanyadaan’. The ad has sparked a debate on social media. While many people think it is progressive, others find it misinterpreted. Sharing her thoughts about the same, Kangana asked brands to stop ‘manipulating gullible consumers with clever divisive concepts and advertisements’. In his post, he also tried to explain the concept of the age-old Hindu tradition.
“We often see a martyr’s father on television when they lose a son at the border. They roar, ‘Don’t worry I have another son, I will donate that too to Mother Earth’. Putradan, the way one looks at the concept of society (lack of an equivalent word in English or Urdu) renunciation reflects its core value system. When they start to downplay the idea of charity.. then you know it is. It is time to restore the kingdom of Rama. The king who renounced everything just to live the life of an ascetic (monk). Please stop making fun of Hindus and their rituals. In scriptures both earth and woman are mother. Let them procreate. She was worshiped as a goddess. There is nothing wrong in seeing her as priceless and the source of existence (Shakti),” he wrote, explaining the meaning and concept of Kanyadaan as per his understanding.
The video in question is of Ali Bhatt in which the actress campaigns for a clothing brand. The video tries to rethink wedding traditions in modern times. In the video, Alia talks about the notion of having a girl as an obligation as a bride as she shares how every member of her family talks to her about marriage and bridesmaids since childhood. Taking a stand on Kanyadaan, the film asks everyone to reconsider and bring it up as a gesture of respect and equality.
‘Kanyadaan’ is an age-old ritual that has been an intrinsic part of our society. Highlighting the traditional thinking behind this ritual, the video attempts to promote a more inclusive and equal space for women in marriage and in life. Through the film, Aaliya talks about a new idea that creates a union between the ritual itself and its underlying thought process that is placed in a modern context.
Watch the video here:
Speaking about the advertisement, Vedanta Modi, CMO, Vedanta Fashion Ltd. earlier in a statement said, “Mohe has always been a symbol of progressive women of our society. Through this advertisement, we aim to bring about a change in the mindset of the general public. With respect and fervent respect for our traditions and customs”.
Shreyansh Baid, Director, Shreyansh Innovations added, “We have always believed in progressive communication and our main idea behind making this film was to give a strong message that is rooted in the rich Indian culture, and yet it is one Kadam Hai. Move forward with inspiration from the new age woman and the new age society. With Alia we have been able to create a communication that strikes a chord and calls for a positive change.”