Kajari Teej 2021: Date, Rituals, Significance And All You Need To Know About The Festival

New Delhi: According to the Hindu calendar, Kajari Teej is observed on the third day of Krishna Paksha of Bhadon month. Kajari Teej Vrat will be celebrated on 25th August in 2021. On this day, married women observe a strict fast (without water or food) and perform puja rituals for good luck, progeny and long life of the husband. Kajali Teej is also known by the local people as “Badi Teej” or “Saturi Teej”.

religious rites For Kajri Teej Fast

According to Hindu religion, Neemdi Mata is worshiped on the day of Kajari Teej. She is considered a form of Mother Parvati. On the day of Kajari Teej, take a bath in the morning and wear clean clothes and then take a pledge to fast and worship at a dedicated place of worship at home itself.

Prepare “Malpua” as prasad to mother Neemdi. Make a pond with mud or cow dung for worship. Put a twig of neem on it, put a red chunri on it and then put “neemdi” on it.

Now worship the Goddess without taking water and food, wearing beautiful clothes and observing a strict fast. Offer turmeric, mehndi, vermilion, bangles, red chunari, sattu and malpua to mother Neemdi.

Worship the moon and give prasad to him. Then complete the fast by taking water from your husband’s hand. There is a religious belief that the grace of the goddess leads to a long and prosperous married life.

Story NS Kajri Teejo: Married women should read or listen to Kajari Teej Vrat Katha at the time of worshiping Mata Neemdi. Only then the fast is considered successful and complete.


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