Kaali Peeli Tales director Adeeb Raees: Would like to work in a short film with Shah Rukh Khan

Director Adeeb Raees’ anthology film Kaali Peeli Tales, which will launch on August 20 on Amazon MiniTV, brings together an ensemble cast of Soni Razdan, Vinay Pathak, Gauhar Khan, Sayani Gupta, Maanvi Gagroo, Hussain Dalal, Sharib Hashmi, Priyanshu Painyuli, brings along. And the stories of different parts of life are linked by a single thread – Mumbai’s iconic black-yellow taxi. Talking about the stories, Adeeb says that the film which took him two years to complete also has another common link- these are all offbeat stories which we don’t often see on the big screen or in web shows. So, for an independent filmmaker like him, when the film was picked up by a bigger platform, it was overwhelming.

“The market is full of big players who do not give scope to independent filmmakers beyond a certain limit. The OTT space is also now giving competition to big films because theaters are not open so films are going to OTT. For young and independent filmmakers who were actually getting some kind of window into the digital medium, it is becoming increasingly difficult to showcase their work. So, I am really grateful and happy that Amazon has faith in the series and they chose it as their opening series for Mini TV. It is not just for me, but a ray of hope for many independent filmmakers.”

The young filmmaker has made few short films like Dafaan and Aunty Ji before Kaali Peeli Tales which deal with social issues but never wants to limit them to one theme or genre. Speaking of the short film space in our country, he agreed that the space needs to be explored more. “Over the years, it’s gotten a lot better, but I think it (short films) as a format has been overlooked, and it has a lot of potential that we’re not exploring. It’s tough Because unless people come in and its commercial approach is sorted out, people can’t make short films without earning enough money.This format satisfies the audience and is meant to stay but people don’t have to make film makers like this. Medium should be more open in offering more ways to make money because it’s still lagging behind the big time.”

Talking about the difficulty of getting stars on board for a short period of time, he explained, “You can get them on board but it is tough. There is an apprehension in working in a shorter format and some actors are really good because they just believe in a good character and a good script, but a lot of actors still have that fear. There is a perception in the industry that once an actor does a short film, he doesn’t get a long format job. So some of them don’t take the chance. But there are many actors who go for what they want and they redefine films, they redefine the way things work. There are actors who are bold enough to take the plunge when they want so I think things will change. I also see myself not losing the format.”

Adeeb has an interesting option for an actor with whom he wants to do a short film, and it is none other than the King Khan of Bollywood. He said, “I want to change the way people look at short films, so I want Shah Rukh Khan to do a short film. Wouldn’t it be exciting to see him in one? Why can’t it be an amazing script, an amazing character.” Maybe, and why can’t we watch him in 20 minute format and enjoy it? We have loved his performance on the big screen, so why not in a short film? I’m definitely going to make a short film. But would love to work with Shah Rukh Khan,” concluded the filmmaker.

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