July 4th: Americans feel less patriotic, but Joy Jones urges focus on ‘wonderful history and trajectory’ – Henry Club

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Ahead of July 4, Fox News’ Joy Jones reminds Americans to look beyond “fringe issues” and celebrate a shared heritage. wing “Fox and Friends WeekendOn Saturday, Jones argued that the solution to the decline in patriotism is to put Americans together and “brag on the amazing history and trajectory of this country.”

Before July 4th, America Responded: Are You Proud To Be American?

Joy Jones: Listen, be the most prudent person you can. You have a group on the left, the Progressives, and their idea of ​​nationalism, their idea of ​​Americanism is rooted in complaint. And you have a group on the right, conservatives, and their views are rooted in responsibility. And none of those groups are being fulfilled right now. If you’re a progressive, you look at the prosperity of this country, and you go, ‘Yeah, it’s just because we’re oppressed. It is the oppression of millennia or the oppression of centuries which is the result of prosperity.’ If you’re on the right, you’re going, ‘Man, you’re attacking everything that makes us rich.’ those two groups Incredibly sad right now. The problem is that there is more to this country than both of them.


If you are a conservative and you see me as corporate – take corporate media and corporation awakening, CRT and all that you think is becoming mainstream. That’s what most Americans are thinking because that’s why we see it every day. This is going to be disappointing. If you’re on the left and you see these three main supreme courts Decisions that attack what you think this country should be. So I’m being prudent on that for now. So both sides are down, tough on these minor issues that don’t define us at all.


But do you know what is the solution? People like us, telling the apt story, are arriving at West Point, a living, breathing museum of memorials to the freedoms they fought for and needed to achieve. people like us are sitting here and with amazing history And the pace of this country. Nowhere else in the world can we sit down and have this conversation and say whatever we want to say about our leadership. There is nowhere else in the world we can go out in November and change it the way we can.

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