journeys: Explained: What is Chrome’s new Journeys feature and how can it help in browsing – Times of India

Google has managed to solve a very old problem of browsing through endless Chrome history by introducing a new feature on its popular search engine. Previously, the browser allowed users to check out a specific website that they have already visited, but didn’t bookmark.
It also allowed users to search for specific keywords that were included in the address or title of the website. Scrolling through lengthy chronological feeds can be tedious, so Google introduced the Journeys feature in the Chrome browser. Here, we will discuss what is the new Journeys feature and how you can use it.
What is Google Chrome Journeys,
Google Chrome’s newly released feature Journeys is a tool that helps users find every web page that they clicked on earlier while searching for a certain topic on the browser. It can take the user back to an older browsing session, where they might have searched for a particular topic to revisit it and continue exploring for what they were looking for. This feature allows users to go back to the same pages that they had accessed earlier in the day or even weeks ago.
This feature is available in — English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese and Turkish. It means that users will be able to search for topics that they might have browsed earlier in all of these languages.
How is Journeys different from browsing history?
Google Chrome’s Journeys section puts together different groups of all the websites that a user visited while exploring a topic. These groups are created depending on the time they searched for it. You will be able to see different groups, spanning from earlier in the day to a few weeks ago inside the Journeys section.
It also puts the webpages you interacted with most of at the top and labels the links that you have previously “bookmarked” or “saved in tab group”. Chrome may also suggest more searches that you might find interesting, based on what you have searched earlier. It can also help you to completely remove a topic from the Journeys page if you’re done with it.
Where is this feature available?
Google Chrome Journeys is available on the Google Chrome desktop app across all major operating systems. Users will be able to use the option inside the latest version of Google Chrome on Windows, Linux, ChromeOS and macOS devices. This feature is currently not available for mobile and can’t be accessed inside the Chrome browsing history of iOS or Android devices.
How is Google Chrome Journeys useful?
This feature can be used to explore topics that you have searched before, loading all the pages that you once opened while searching for a topic or to completely remove a page/topic from this section. The Journeys page on Chrome has a search field on the top for users to type a topic or activity (like travel, food etc.) that they might have explored in the past.
These searches will show a sequence of results across several browsing sessions. If a session exceeds 4 entries, users can click the ‘Show more’ option to check out the remaining links that you explored. Click on a link from your previous sessions and it will open the page in a new tab on Chrome.
If you have opened multiple pages while exploring a specific topic, you can open all of them back again to pick up from where you left. There is an option in this section called ‘Open all in new tab group’ that will open all the pages on the list and will load them up inside separate tabs on Chrome.
You can remove websites that you had to visit for your previous research and don’t want to visit again. You can remove them from specific topics on the Journeys page on Google Chrome. The ‘Remove from history’ option deletes the selected page from the Journeys page and users won’t be able to recover it again. Users can also remove entire search sessions from Journeys.
Google allows users to remove this feature from Chrome’s History page if they don’t like the new feature. Chrome will revert to the old-fashioned way of showing a list of all the pages users have visited in reverse chronology on disabling Journeys. However, users can re-enable it at any time.
