Jordan unveils new 50-dinar banknote featuring Temple Mount in Jerusalem

The Central Bank of Jordan issued a new 50 dinar banknote, featuring a picture of King Abdullah II with the Temple Mount compound in East Jerusalem in the background, as part of a new set of banknotes for the monarchy in Jordanian currency in the coming months. is in wide circulation. ,

The bank introduced new designs for banknotes in denominations of 1, 5, 10, 20, and 50 Jordanian dinars, and began circulating some new bills late last month. Previously, the 20 Jordanian dinar note featured the Dome of the Rock shrine located at the flashpoint Temple Mount site along with the Al-Aqsa Mosque, with an image of King Hussein on the front.

The new 20-dinar bill also features the late emperor, but without the Temple Mount site, a source of uneasy tension in recent months as the new Israeli government led by Benjamin Netanyahu takes shape.

The newly formed coalition includes Itamar Ben Gvir, leader of a far-right party and newly installed Minister of National Security, who as a Knesset member has made several trips to the Temple Mount and was also the leader of a controversial nationalist march through the Muslim Quarter in Jerusalem . old City. On several occasions, he set up an ad hoc office in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood of East Jerusalem, which has also been at the center of Israeli–Palestinian tensions.

The Temple Mount is revered by Jews as the historic location of the two Jewish temples, making it the holiest site in Judaism. It is also the third holiest site for Muslims, who refer to it as the Al-Aqsa Mosque Complex or the Noble Sanctuary. Many Palestinians reject the notion that the site is holy to Jews, accusing Israel and Zionists of plotting to destroy the mosque and replace it with a Jewish temple—a move that angered mainstream Israeli society. Not supported by

Israel captured the Temple Mount and Jerusalem’s Old City from Jordan in the 1967 Six-Day War, nearly two decades after Amman conquered it during the 1948 War of Independence. However, Israel allowed the Jordanian Waqf to retain religious authority over Mt.

Perceived provocations and violence at the site have often turned into widespread fires.

on Tuesday, despite reports he would delay, Ben Gwyr visited On the site, his first move as minister, was widely condemned by Israel’s allies including the US, Britain, France, Egypt, Turkey and the United Arab Emirates, as well as by the opposition led by former premier Yair Lapid.

National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir visits the Temple Mount on January 3, 2023. (courtesy minhalet har habayit)

Jordan, which sees itself as the custodian of the Temple Mount – a position Israel does not recognize, although it acknowledged the state’s “special role” in the countries’ 1994 peace treaty – reprimanded israel on a far-right minister’s visit and accused him of “storming” the site.

After the visit, according to Hebrew media reports, Israel’s ambassador to Jordan, Eitan Surkis, was summoned to the offices of the Jordanian Foreign Ministry for a dressing-down. Surkis told the Jordanians that Israel remained committed to the status quo, that there had been no violations of the agreement, and that Israeli ministers had visited the site in the past.

Ben Gvir has long been an advocate of formally changing the Temple Mount status quo, in which Muslims are allowed to pray and enter with few restrictions, and Jews can only go through a gate during limited time slots and can follow a predetermined route, closely accompanied by the police. Jews are not allowed to pray at the site, although in recent years the police have allowed some silent prayers.

A view of the Dome of the Rock shrine at the Al Aqsa Mosque compound in the Old City of Jerusalem on June 21, 2022. (AP Photo/Mahmoud Illian, File)

The Palestinians and most of the international community vehemently reject any change to the current status quo, although most Palestinians also object to any Israeli Jewish presence at the site, including police officers tasked with maintaining security. Is.

Netanyahu has sought to reassure Israel’s allies that he will not allow any change, and all of his coalition deals included a clause stating that the status quo would be maintained “with regard to holy places”. .

However, critics point to what they say is a gradual erosion of the policy, with Jewish pilgrims often seen praying silently at the site in recent years as Israeli police watch.

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