Joint pain in winters: Natural ways to manage arthritis pain in cold weather

arthritis pain Arthritis patients can have extreme pain during the winter season. The weather causes more pain in their joints. While some medications can help with arthritis symptoms, they can also have adverse side effects. Finding natural remedies for illness is usually a better option. To manage their aches and pains in winters, patients should stay warm and follow these natural remedies:

1. Keep Moving and Be Active

When it’s cold outside and you’re achy, exercising might be the last thing you want to do. However, using joints regularly is one of the best ways to keep them functioning. If you join a gym or go for a walk with a friend, it will be easier to stay motivated to exercise.

2. Try Hot Paraffin Dips to Stay Warm

This age old Indian pain reliever has cured many aches and dry skin and is highly recommended by every Indian grandmother. You may want to dip your hands and feet in warm paraffin wax. This service is usually offered in salons and spas. It is economical if you choose to do it at home. They can be used again and again after heating in the microwave.

3. Maintain a Healthy Weight

If the body needs to support less weight, there is likely to be less pressure on the knees and hips. Less weight to carry means less pressure on the joints. Therefore, maintaining a healthy weight can reduce the discomfort associated with arthritis.

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4. Stay Hydrated

It is necessary for everyone to drink a lot of water during the winter season. People often believe that the concept of staying hydrated only applies during the summer, even though the dry air of winter requires the body to hydrate and retain more moisture. A bowl of soup or a hot cup of green tea can also be beneficial.

5. Smart Food Choices

Your diet may also be helpful in treating arthritis symptoms. While certain foods can cause inflammation, which in turn can lead to pain, other foods can help reduce inflammation.

Berries, grapes, cabbage, kale, spinach and prunes can help reduce inflammation when consumed with foods rich in omega-3s, such as fish and almonds. Also avoid processed foods, sugary desserts, and fast food.

Also Read: 5 Traditional Desi Foods To Stay Warm And Healthy This Winter

6. Monitor Your Vitamin D

Elderly people spend a lot of time indoors in winter. Lack of exposure to sunlight increases the risk of vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D deficiency can cause problems with muscles and joints. So keep an eye on your Vitamin D levels.

7. Get a Massage

According to research, getting a massage once a week for at least eight weeks can help reduce muscle tension around uncomfortable joint conditions. Massaging the body more often in winter will be more beneficial.

(Disclaimer: This article is based on general information and is not a substitute for expert advice. Zee News does not endorse it.)