Jobs for 855 patwaris in Punjab: CM said – training period will not be one and a half, now it will be one year; More than 700 more will be recruited

Chandigarh3 minutes ago

In Punjab, now the period of training of Patwaris will not be for one and a half years but for one year. This was announced by CM Bhagwant Mann. He distributed appointment letters to 855 Patwaris in a program organized in Chandigarh. During this, Mann said that more than 700 more Patwaris will be recruited now. State Revenue Minister Brahmshankar Zimpa was also present during this.

While giving the appointment letter, CM Bhagwant Mann meeting the lady Patwari.

While giving the appointment letter, CM Bhagwant Mann meeting the lady Patwari.

Honesty advice to Patwaris
CM Bhagwant Mann advised the Patwaris to work honestly. Mann said that the Patwari should stay on earth after getting the job. He cited the example of a Pakistani play where the artist Sohail Ahmed got annoyed for saying yaar. He had asked to be called Patwari Sahib. He said that the newly recruited Patwari should not do all this. Mann said that if someone praises you while leaving, then understand that you have done the right thing.

CM Bhagwant Mann giving appointment letter to the newly recruited Patwari.

CM Bhagwant Mann giving appointment letter to the newly recruited Patwari.

Mann’s taunt, should I give appointment letter or someone in jail, people are happy
CM Bhagwant Mann did not miss to taunt the opponents even on this pretext. Mann said that if I give appointment letter to someone or send someone to jail, people are happy. Recently, his government arrested Health Minister Dr. Vijay Singla, former Congress minister Sadhu Singh Dharamsot and senior IAS officer Sanjay Popli and sent them to jail.

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