JLF2022: Climate change, energy conservation and clean energy will be the major topics of discussion

Scheduled from 5th to 14th March 2022, the Jaipur Literature Festival will bring together an impressive line-up of sessions on Climate Change and Environment. As climate change still remains the focus of many debates and policies, the festival will host a range of diverse speakers covering different angles of the issue.

The enriching program will feature a session with, among others, Bruno Macos, decorated author, international commentator and advisor to some of the world’s leading companies on geopolitics and technology, exploring the study of an emerging world order Which is competitive and driven. From the need to adapt and survive in an increasingly unfavorable natural environment. In conversation with former diplomat and author Navtej Sarna, MacOS will discuss the book Geopolitics for the End Time: From the Pandemic to the Climate Crisis.

Clean energy is often thought of as an investment in the future. This investment should be understood for a new direction in environmentalism with a focus on clean and renewable sources of energy. Rahul Munjal, Chairman and Managing Director, Hero Future Energies, one of India’s leading independent power producers, is committed to a positive environmental impact by increasing the share of renewable energy. He will be accompanied by Amitabh Kant, CEO of the National Institution for Transforming India (NITI Aayog) and Siddharth Singh, a key driver and academician of initiatives like Make in India, Startup India, Incredible India and God’s Own Country. Great smog of India. Munjal and Kant will discuss the future of clean energy and climate action. The panel can be caught in conversation with Srivatsan Iyer.

Simon Mundy, Financial Times journalist and author of Race for Tomorrow: Survival, Innovation and Profit on the Front Lines of the Climate Crisis, will speak on the question of what impact one person can have in the face of the global climate crisis. His speech will reflect on the role that each of us can play, along with the stories of inspiring individuals from all walks of life in the world.

Earth has seen five major mass extinction events over the past 500 million years – each time responsible for the extinction of about three-quarters of its species. Life on Earth has seen catastrophic upheaval and existential threat throughout the planet’s long geological history, being forced to recover, regroup and build anew. A series titled The Urgency of Borrowed Time will feature natural history author, biochemist and public health advocate Pranay Lal, who is also the author of the famous books Indica: A Deep Natural History of the Indian Subcontinent and Invisible Empire: The Natural History of Viruses. Sessions will explore the fate of dinosaurs and species sealed off by extinction events, and mankind’s role in the growing climate crisis.

The urgency of the borrowed time will also bring on Lakshmi Puri, former Assistant Secretary-General of the United Nations and former Deputy Executive Director of UN Women, who has worked extensively in bilateral and multilateral diplomacy, negotiations and as an advocate for human rights and humanitarian action. have worked in. Sustainable development, climate change, gender equality, peace and security. He, Shombi Sharp, UN Resident Coordinator in India and expert in sustainable development, is working towards the country’s COVID-19 response, in alignment with the UN Sustainable Development Goals and Hans Jacob Friedenlund, Norway’s ambassador to India will be involved in. Involved with a focus on clean and renewable energy. In conversation with Navdeep Suri, the three experts will discuss the importance of multilateralism in structural climate action.

In a session tracing the trajectory of climate change and the struggle for climate justice, Simon Mundy will present an extraordinary story of people on the front lines of the climate crisis and how the struggle to respond is reshaping the modern world. Politician, economist, historian and author Jairam Ramesh’s Green Signals: Ecology, Growth and Democracy in India presents a fascinating debate between economic growth and ecological security and highlights the importance of the environment in the nation’s vision for the future. Mridula Ramesh is the author of the critically acclaimed book, The Climate Solution: India’s Climate Change Crisis and What We Can Do About It. In conversation with Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Jeffrey Gettleman, experts will discuss the climate crisis, the global economy and the people at its center.

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