Jill Biden out for boosting political power in governors race – Times of India

WASHINGTON: First Lady Jill Biden is set to campaign for Democrats in the race for governors in Virginia and New Jersey on Friday, seeking to boost the party’s political fortunes in their most stoic way since arriving at the White House nine months ago. trying.
His participation is the latest sign that Democrats are in the upcoming elections, particularly in Virginia, where Democrats Terry McAuliffe Looks like a tighter race than expected. Jill Biden will be followed in the coming days by other high-profile party voices, including former President Barack Obama and the former candidate for governor of Georgia. Stacy Abrams.
It will mark Jill Biden’s first return to campaigning since last year’s presidential campaign stumping for her husband. However, she has traveled the country regularly to promote issues such as public education and community college reform, reopening schools amid the pandemic, and urging people to get vaccinated against the coronavirus.
That includes visiting reliably red states, such as Tuesday, when Biden met with leaders of the Hispanic community in Kansas, who have not backed Democrats for president. Lyndon B Johnson in 1964.
He is due for a Friday afternoon early voting rally at Middlesex College in Addison, New Jersey, where the Democratic incumbent governor Phil Murphy Considered comfortably ahead. Biden will later attend an event in suburban Richmond, Virginia’s capital, with McAuliffe, a former governor running for office.
In New Jersey, Murphy has sought to link his Republican rival, former state Assemblyman Jack Ciatorelli, to former President Donald Trump. trumpHesitation about wearing a Covid vaccine and masks, as well as lies about last year’s presidential election being plagiarized by widespread fraud.
The first lady’s visit to Virginia will be seen even more nationally, however, where McAuliffe, a longtime Democratic Party powerbroker and friend of Bill and Hillary Clinton, clashed with former businessman and political newcomer, Republican Glenn Youngkin. Huh.
Vigil, a professor of media science at Boston University, said that the first ladies since Laura Bush have regularly traveled to promote their party’s leading candidates — who like many presidential spouses often visit their husbands. Received higher approval ratings in comparison – began campaigning frequently for major Republicans. Midterm and other races.
“You get a lot of emotional bang for the buck,” said Vigil, author of the 2019 book on Melania Trump. Michelle Obama which describes how the “new era” of the First Ladies has expanded its political influence. “You get the positivity of her side compared to her husband. You enable her to talk about issues in different ways than an elected official. And you get a lot of that relatability factor,”
Biden holds a doctorate in English and continues to teach writing and English at Northern Virginia Community College, where he has held a position since 2009.
McAuliffe says the president, who comfortably led Virginia by 10 percentage points last year, will also campaign for her in the coming days. Meanwhile, President Biden’s approval rating has plummeted to some of the lowest levels of his White House tenure.
“The president definitely wants a former governor McAuliffe To become the future governor of Virginia,” said White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki.
But she appeared to try to dampen hopes about whether what happens in Virginia next month could be an indicator of national democratic struggles in next year’s midterm elections – when the party’s narrow control of both chambers of Congress. is at stake.
“I’ll leave it to other outside analysts to point out that off-year elections are often not bad,” Psaki said. “We’re going to do everything we can to help former Governor McAuliffe.”
McAuliffe is relying on women, especially in suburbs where Republican candidates saw their support diminish during the Trump administration. That’s exactly “the constituency you bring in the first lady for,” Vigil said.
“Her whole persona is often built on the idea of ​​connecting with constituents. Particularly the female component,” she said, calling the dynamic “troubling to me that this is because she is the first female political actor and citizen and in her own right.” are in, and yet they are pushed into this narrow corner of, oh, the women’s vote”
“It’s understandable,” Vigil said and added “in the modern age it’s inconvenient to be so limited.”
The first lady’s visit comes as the president prepares to spend her Friday in Connecticut promoting a massive spending plan that Democrats will push through Congress to compete with their own ranks on the final price tag. Trying to present despite the deep divisions within. As both candidate and president, he has introduced himself as “Jill’s husband” on some shows, often being laughed at and admired.
