Jharkhand: Bird flue detected in 9-month-old baby

Jharkhand: Bird flue detected in 9-month-old baby
Image Source : FILE Jharkhand: Bird flue detected in 9-month-old baby

Bird flu was detected in a nine-month-old baby at Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences (RIMS) here, a senior doctor said on Friday.

The baby, a resident of Jharkhand’s Ramgarh district, was admitted to RIMS with symptoms of fever, cough and respiratory problems.

The nasal swab of the baby was sent to the genetics and genomics department, which confirmed bird flu, said Dr Rajeev Mishra of the Paediatrics department.

“This is the year’s first bird flu case in the hospital. The baby is undergoing treatment in my unit,” he said.

Covid-19 like precautions are taken in this case and the infant has been isolated from others, Mishra said.

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