Jessica Chastain Responds to Viral Red Carpet Moment with Oscar Isaac at the Venice Film Festival

Jessica Chastain and Oscar Isaac’s kiss on the red carpet of the Venice Film Festival spread in no time, with fans losing out on the chemistry. The Wedding Scene co-stars revealed why they were cast as a couple in Ingmar Burman’s adaptation and showed off their bond. A kiss on Oscar Chastain’s hand while sniffing next to him. Now, the actress has reacted to this viral moment through a picture from The Addams Family.

She shared the snap titled “Sept 12th.”

Interestingly, Oscar Isaacs voiced Gomez in the 2019 animated Addams Family film opposite Charlene Theron’s Morticia.

Both the actors are married to different people and share children with them, however, that didn’t stop fans from going gaga over their chemistry. The two also worked together in the 2014 film A Most Violent Year.

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