JCB Awards for Literature announces long list for 2021, with novels dominating for the first time

Featuring six novels by budding writers Rijula ​​Das, Kripa Gay, Daribha Lindem, Shabbir Ahmed Mir, Lindsay Pereira and Kirtik Sasidharan, the long list of the 2021 JCB Awards for Literature, one of the prestigious awards for Indian writing, was announced on Monday. was done to

The long list for 2021 includes: A Death in Sonagachi by Rijula ​​Das; ‘What We Know About Him’ by Kripa Gay; ‘Name Place Animal Thing’ by Daribha Lindum; Shabbir Ahmed Mir’s ‘The Plague Upon Us’; ‘Gods and Ends’ by Lindsay Pereira; ‘The Dharma Forest’ by Keerthik Sasidharan; and ‘Asoka’ by Irwin Alan Seeley.

The award was instituted in 2018 to enhance the prestige of literary achievement in India and to create greater visibility for contemporary Indian writing. According to the statement, this year the long list was chosen from a wide range of presentations by authors from 16 states who wrote in multiple languages ​​published between August 1, 2020 and July 31, 2021.

This year the list also includes three Malayalam translations. These are: ‘Anti-Clock’ by VJ James, translated from Malayalam by Ministry S; ‘Delhi: A Soliloki’ by M Mukundan, translated from Malayalam by Fatima EV and Nandakumar; and ‘The Man Who Learned to Fly But Can’t Land’ by Thatchom Poyil Rajeevan, translated from Malayalam by PJ Mathew.

The JCB Literature Foundation states that as a reflection of the times, themes of self-reflection, duality and morality are prominently featured in all novels.

The list of ten novels was selected by a panel of five judges: Sarah Rae (President), author and literary translator; Annapurna Garimela, designer and art historian; Shahnaz Habib, writer and translator; Prem Panikkar, journalist and editor; and Amit Verma, author and podcaster.

After the long list, the shortlist will be announced on October 4. The winner of the Rs 25 lakh JCB award for literature will be announced on November 13.

Commenting on the long list of 2021 and the overall reading experience, Sarah Rae, Chair of the Jury,

observed, “While reading the vast array of books, many of them translations, which were in the running for the JCB Awards 2021, there were a few things that we had in mind – a combination of plot and narrative, of structure and texture, of metaphor, Acute angles of approach and invention. We looked for a focused gaze and unique voice that suited the setting and situation in the book that despite the rough edges was special and universal at the same time.”

“We were after well-written and well-edited books that changed you in subtle ways by providing a fresh perspective on contemporary Indian reality, even if the work was one of historical fiction. We found that the long list of 2021 Books not only met these criteria, but also passed the final test – they were unforgettable and stayed with us until we finished reading them.

Meeta Kapoor, Literary Director, says: “What we were looking for in submissions this year, I think, was a sense of the world beyond ourselves. We worked with books originally translated into English and from Indian languages. , reached publishers large and small across the country. The books we found surprised us by showing us the many ways to live and live, taking us out of places where our bodies and minds were confined. Beyond the narrow confines of genre Our relentless dedication to the search for great literature means there will be something for every reader on the long list.”

The award encourages translation and aims to introduce new audiences to works of Indian literature written in languages ​​other than their own.

This annual award for literature, celebrating distinguished works of fiction by Indian authors, was first won in 2020 by ‘Munchha’ by S Harish, translated from Malayalam by Jayashree Kalathil, and in 2019 by Madhuri Vijay. Was won by ‘The Far Field’. Its first edition in 2018 was won by Benjamin with ‘Jasmine Days’, translated from Malayalam by Shahnaz Habib.

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