Jaipur: The protest of unemployed youth, calmed down after talks. Jaipur News – Times of India

Jaipur: Around 3,000 unemployed youth under the banner – Rajasthan Berozgar The united federation staged a sit-in to demand completion of pending issues related to recruitment in Bais warehouse of Jaipur, recruitment to vacant posts in all departments, abolition of quota for outsiders and others.
He also demanded legal action against those leaking question papers of various recruitment examinations.
A 10-member delegation led by Upen Yadav later met Special Secretary to the Chief Minister Aarti Dogra and Joint Secretary Lalit Kumar to discuss the pending issues. “The officials assured us to clear some pending recruitments and announce some vacancies this month.
He also assured us of a meeting with the Chief Minister (Ashok Gehlot) soon. He further said that strict action would be taken against those leaking question papers and making fake degrees,” said Yadav, president of Rajasthan Berojgar Ekritta Mahasangh.
Yadav accused the officials of negligence and delay in clearing pending recruitments in the state and issuing advertisements for new recruitments. “From this point of view covid Believing in the guidelines and the Chief Minister that he will fulfill our demands, we are withdrawing our dharna today (Friday),” he said.
In the last cabinet sub-committee meeting, panel chairman BD Kalla had promised to submit the final report on the demands of unemployed youth to the chief minister.
