Jacqueline Fernandez has been named as an accused in the Rs 200 crore money laundering case involving conman Sukesh Chandrashekhar. In a supplementary charge sheet filed by the Enforcement Directorate, Jacqueline has been named as an accused earlier this month. The ED in April provisionally attached Rs 7.27 crore funds of the actor under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) apart from Rs 15 lakh in cash as the agency called these funds as “proceeds of crime”.
“Sukesh Chandrashekhar had given various gifts worth Rs 5.71 crore to Jacqueline Fernandez from the proceeds of crime generated by criminal activities including extortion,” the ED had then said in a statement.
In the latest development, Jacqueline has been summoned by Delhi’s Patiala House Court. She has been asked to appear before the Court on September 26 in connection with the case.
Jacquline Fernandez summoned by the Court after ED’s supplementary charge sheet
The Delhi’s Patiala House Court has taken cognizance of the supplementary charge sheet filed in the case recently by the ED, which has named Jacqueline as an accused. Meanwhile, a lawyer appearing for Delhi Police’s Economic Offences Wing informed the court that Jacqueline has been also summoned by Delhi Police on September 12 to join the probe.
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Jaqueline Fernandez replies to ED’s charge
ED had attached FDs to the tune of Rs 7.27 crore in Jacqueline Fernandez’s name as ‘proceeds of crime’. In her response to the authorities, the actress had earlier said that the fixed deposits were created from her own “legitimate sources of income and much before in time from even knowing that the main accused Chandrashekhar even existed in this world.”
Jacqueline Fernandez seeks permission to travel abroad
Jacqueline Fernandez has sought the permission of the Patiala House Court to travel to Poland for a shoot. The Court will hear arguments on the point of cognizance on charge sheet at 2 pm on Wednesday.
On the movies front, Jacqueline will be seen in Cirkus, opposite Ranveer SIngh and Pooja Hegde. It is directed by Rohit Shetty.
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(With inputs from news agencies)