J-K: Infiltration bid foiled in Poonch, Pakistani intruder shot dead

JK: Infiltration attempt foiled in Poonch, Pakistani infiltrator
Image Source: PTI Jammu and Kashmir: Infiltration attempt foiled in Poonch, Pakistani intruder killed

A Pakistani infiltrator was killed along the Line of Control (LoC) in Jammu and Kashmir’s Poonch district, officials said on Saturday.

Officials said the infiltrator was intercepted by troops guarding the Balakote sector in Mendhar sub-division when he was attempting to slip across the line to this side.

According to them, the intruder ignored several warnings and tried to return when the soldiers opened fire, killing him.

Officials said additional information is needed and the entire area has been cordoned off.

Due to bad weather in the area, the search could not be done at night, when the army conducted a search operation, the army recovered a large consignment of IEDs and drugs from him.

Regarding the G20, where an alert was declared on the border that before that terrorists can infiltrate from across the border, after which today the army has foiled a major infiltration.

According to sources, more than 100 terrorists are trying to infiltrate from across the border in Poonch and Rajouri.

The Indian Army on Monday apprehended a Pakistani infiltrator along the Line of Control (LoC) in Jammu and Kashmir’s Rajouri district, officials said.

Mohammad Usman (30), a resident of Karela village of Kotli in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK), was stopped by the troops after he entered Tarkundi village late Sunday evening, officials said.

He said that nothing objectionable has been recovered from the possession of the intruder, which is being interrogated.

Earlier on April 29, Indian troops had detained a father-son duo from PoK who had unknowingly crossed over to this side in the nearby Poonch district.

Both the men were later deported back to Pakistan through the Chakan da Bagh border crossing point.

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