It was only after the instructions of the DM that the death of cows due to hunger, thirst and cold started in the Gram Panchayat – INA NEWS Agancy

After the instructions of the DM, the process of death of cows due to hunger, thirst and cold started in the Gram Panchayat.

Chitrakoot. A new case of Akbarpur (B) Gram Panchayat of Karvi block has come to the fore, where two cows have died due to hunger and thirst in the cowshed. Only for the care of the cows, such a service which can serve the cows, even though Chitrakoot District Officer Shubhrant Kumar Shukla has issued strict instructions for the safety of the cows in the cold winter and the death of the cows in the Gaushala built in the Gram Panchayat. But there is talk of taking action, but what is the ground reality, it is being seen only after going to the Gaushala built in the village panchayats, where the cows are sacrificing their lives due to hunger and thirst, on the other hand, the cold of the cows is now It seems to be dangerous for life, but neither the village panchayat officer nor the village head is worried about the safety of the cow, because on the death of the cow, the dead cow is secretly thrown out of the cowshed and thrown out. No one even seems to know about it, you can see on these pictures where after DM’s instructions In the gaushala of Gram Panchayat Akbarpur, the severe cold has opened the door to the arrangement of cows, where two cows died due to cold in the night. Nor is there a system of filling the stomach of the cow, where the cows are dying of hunger and thirst, on the other hand, the cows are sacrificing their lives even in the severe cold, while now it remains to be seen how long the village will follow the instructions of the district officer. It will be followed in the Gaushala of the Panchayat and what action will be taken against the careless Gram Panchayat Officer and the Village Head or else the action of the District Officer will be confined to the media and papers.