IT Raid on Dainik Bhaskar: Government is doing its job, 10 Dainik Bhaskar reports are here to check how we are doing our work for some time now

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  • Income (IT) tax raids: Narendra Modi government is doing its job, look at 10 reports of Bhaskar

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Dainik Bhaskar has always been raising issues related to public concern. In the last 6 months, we have done many such reports in which the voice of the public has been raised. We asked tough questions by putting the government and the system in the dock. We are once again bringing you 10 reports raising these questions. Today it is present because we are being raided by the Income Tax Department. The government is doing its job, but we believe that only readers can judge our work properly. Check out these 10 reports…

1. More than 2000 dead bodies found on the banks of Ganga in UP
30 Dainik Bhaskar reporters took stock of the Ghats and villages on the banks of the Ganges in 27 districts of UP. Ganga enters Bihar after traveling 1140 km in these districts of UP. In these, the situation was found very bad in Kanpur, Kannauj, Unnao, Ghazipur and Ballia. In Unnao, more than 900 bodies were found buried in the sand at two places.

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2. Vaccine wastage in Rajasthan
Dainik Bhaskar found 500 vials in dustbins at 35 vaccination centers in 8 districts of Rajasthan. There were more than 2,500 doses in these. In the investigation of Bhaskar team, more than 500 vials were found filled from 20% to 75%. According to central government data, more than 11.50 lakh Kovid doses were wasted in Rajasthan from January 16 to May 17.

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3. No investigation of Kovid in UP villages
We reached 13 villages in Lalitpur district of Uttar Pradesh. Each village has a population of 1 to 7 thousand. In all these villages, the deaths had suddenly increased for the last one-and-a-half months. All those who died were suffering from cough and fever. Did they have corona? How do you know if the test is not done? Even in an epidemic like Corona, the people of the villages depended only on quacks.

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4. Truth of Corona Deaths in Gujarat
During the second wave of Corona, dead bodies were piled up all over the state including Ahmedabad. Despite this, the number of people who died of corona in the government figures was said to be very less. Talking about Ahmedabad itself, there were so many deaths every day in the 1,200-bed Civil Kovid Hospital here that its figure was more than the daily deaths in the entire Gujarat.

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5. Manipulation of vaccination figures in Bihar
The state government recorded 8.93 lakh fake vaccination figures in 17 days of June. So that Bihar does not lag behind other states of the country in the speed of vaccination. Fake figures were being added every day, not one day. The number of fake figures added on June 17 went up to over three lakhs. Dainik Bhaskar had investigated and exposed this fraud of the government.

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6. Tax on petrol and diesel increased the government’s earnings
When the income of most people in the country was declining due to Corona infection and lockdown, instead of providing relief, the government put the burden of expensive petrol and diesel. As a result of this, for the first time, the government earned more income from tax on petrol and diesel than income tax. The public had to pay more than Rs 5.25 lakh crore as excise duty and VAT on petrol and diesel.

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7. Petrol-Diesel beyond Rs 100
After petrol, diesel prices also crossed Rs 100/litre. Due to this, diesel in Sriganganagar of Rajasthan became Rs 100.06. At the same time, petrol had already started selling beyond Rs 100 in five states of Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana and Union Territory of Ladakh. On May 2, the results of assembly elections in five states were declared. After two days, the prices of petrol and diesel started increasing.

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8. The reality of deaths due to lack of oxygen
The central government told in the Rajya Sabha that the lack of oxygen was not the reason for the death of anyone in the country in the second wave of corona. After the statement of the government, there was a ruckus across the country. It was also necessary to create a ruckus, because during the second wave of Corona, there was an outcry in the whole country due to lack of oxygen. Every day there were reports of deaths of patients in hospitals due to lack of oxygen.

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9. Report of reducing deaths due to corona in the country
The World Health Organization had estimated that the death toll due to corona in the world could be 2 to 3 times higher than the official number. India is more likely to have fewer deaths officially reported. Emory University epidemiologist Kayoka Shioda said that many deaths from corona in India are happening at home, these deaths are outside the official figures.

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10. Analysis of tweets of ministers in Corona
Modi government has been the most active on social media. From publicity of government decisions to response to criticism, social media platforms are used the most. What was the government doing on social media during the Corona wave in the country? To know this, we analyzed the tweets of 10 big ministers of Modi cabinet from 1 to 14 May.

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